Lincoln stood. “No, Kipton, please don’t leave. I’ll partner up with Hunter. Brock won’t mind, will you?”

When all eyes turned to Brock, he wisely kept his mouth shut.

“Honestly, I really am tired.” I started to make my way out of the family room when Hunter reached for my arm.

“I don’t have to play.”

I lifted a brow and asked in a hushed voice that only he would hear, “Had enough playing for one night?”

Hunter frowned, and I mentally kicked myself for letting that bitch called jealousy rear her ugly head.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. Stay. It’s your family.”

“You’re our guest,” Hunter argued.

“I’m tired, and I have to meet Jack and Travis early tomorrow morning. Have fun.”

Before Hunter could argue, or anyone else for that matter, I turned on my heels and made my way out of the room. I’d started up the staircase when I heard his voice again.

“Kip, wait.”

I closed my eyes and pushed aside the way my heart reacted to that nickname. Turning, I forced myself to smile slightly. “Yeah?”

He stared at me for a long moment, then finally shook his head. “Nothing. Um…never mind. I hope you sleep good.”

“You too. ’Night, Hunter.”

He gave a single head bob. “Good night, Kip.”

Chapter Eleven


The sound of someone pounding on the front door caused me to roll over and groan. Then came the doorbell, followed by more pounding.

Throwing the covers off, I stood and managed to make my way to the front door. It was only then that I noticed the sun shining through the kitchen window and realized I’d somehow overslept.

“Fuck,” I mumbled as I opened the door.

I wasn’t sure who I’d expected to find on my porch, but it sure as hell hadn’t been Kipton.

Her eyes went wide as she took in my nearly naked body. The only thing I wore was boxer briefs. When her gaze traveled down my body, she sucked in a sharp breath before she looked away.

I dropped my gaze—to see the morning wood.

I let out a frustrated sigh, then turned and walked to the kitchen. That’s when I remembered the goddamn cameras.

When I looked over at Kipton, she was still standing outside. Clearing her throat, she said, “You missed a meeting. Jack asked me to come over and make sure you’re okay, since I was at your parents’ house. He thought it was faster than sending someone from the crew.”

“For fuck’s sake, Kip, would you come in and get out of the cold?”

Her jaw clenched, but she stepped through the doorway and slammed the door shut, causing me to grab the top of my head and groan.

“Drink too much last night?” she asked, strolling into the house before leaning against the kitchen counter. “You might want to go get dressed. Unless you want the world to see your…”

Her eyes traveled down to my cock, and I felt it twitch in my briefs. She must have seen it as well, because her gaze jerked back up to meet mine.

“Make yourself at home,” I tossed over my shoulder as I walked away.