“Seriously, if you roll your eyes any harder, Kipton, they’re going to roll right out of your head. If I was counting, that would be like a hundred eye rolls,” Winnie stated in a hushed voice.

“You cannot tell me she’s that dimwitted.”

Winnie shrugged. “I mean, she is blindfolded.”

I watched as Hunter stood behind Kimber and helped her pour cherries into the pie crust.

Cherries. How freaking original.

Kimber giggled for what had to be the millionth time.

I glanced over to the monitor that was set up, and put the headphones on so I could hear what the other girls were saying back at their house. The audience wouldn’t see this feed, but clips of it would be available on the website after the live date.

Stormy gasped. “Is she going to try to kiss him?”

My head shot back to Hunter and Kimber. He had leaned in to help get the last of the cherries out of the bowl, and she’d turned her head, brushing her mouth over his jawline.

Hunter turned his head slightly and kissed her.

He kissed her.

“He kissed her!” someone else shouted in my ear, causing me to jump.

“It was more like a friendly peck. I’m sure he didn’t want to embarrass her by pulling away when she was clearly going in for the kiss,” someone else said, but I had no clue who. My eyes were still on Hunter and Kimber.

“It was kind of an awkward kiss.”

I still had no idea who was talking, because apparently I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the laughing couple, who were now attempting to wash a bowl.

Kimber spun around and put her arms around Hunter’s neck.

“God, she plays all innocent.”

That voice, I knew, belonged to Sarriah.

“Seriously, look at him. Would you not try to kiss him?”

“I totally would. He’s so hot, and from the little feel I got that first night at dinner, he’s packing a load.”

“We started a poll,” Jack said in my ear. “Eighty percent are loving Hunter and Kimber together; twenty percent think they don’t make a good couple. Make sure to mention the poll.”

“Will do.”

For another five minutes, we had to watch while Hunter moved Kimber around the kitchen and helped her pour two glasses of wine.

I walked over to my spot next to the fireplace, which was roaring with a warm fire. The light on my camera turned on, and I turned away from Hunter and Kimber to look into the camera.

“I’ve got to say, they’re doing better than I thought they would be. And what about that stolen kiss? It seems like the rest of you are seeing the sparks as well. In our live poll, we have eighty percent of you loving this match, while twenty percent aren’t quite feeling it yet. And since this is live TV and we only have a two-hour spot, the magic of TV has a pie ready for us once we get back from a quick break!”

“Clear!” The director called out. “Get the pie out and ready for when we come back.”

“What? We just put it in the oven,” Kimber said, spinning in a circle to figure out where she was supposed to talk.

Someone behind me sighed in frustration. Clearly, I wasn’t the only one thinking Kimber wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. “We only have a two-hour time slot, we don’t have time to wait for the pie to cook, and the best part was Hunter helping you make the pie,” the director stated.

“Fun times,” I mumbled.

All eyes moved to me.