“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” I quickly said.

Travis sighed as he rubbed his chin. “You’re right. I know you’re right, and it was an impulsive thing to do on my part.”

“You think?” Hunter deadpanned.

“What would you say to an indoor volleyball game?” the man asked.

“What?” Hunter and I asked at the same time, confused.

“I really want to get the reaction of the women seeing you without your shirt. It’s winter, so it’s not like we can have a pool party.”

I leaned forward and asked, “How exactly would you have gotten their reaction to seeing him in the shower?”

“That’s easy,” he replied. “Show the girls the footage while they were all together. But I should have spoken to you about the idea, Hunter.”

Jack cleared his throat.

“And with you, as well, Jack. My apologies to both of you.”

Hunter finally seemed to calm down a bit. “You know how I feel about making it sexual. My mother is watching this thing.”

I brought a hand up to my mouth to hide my smile. It was so sweet that Hunter was thinking of his mother. And I already knew he hadn’t wanted to do this show any more than I had.

Jack turned to me. “Let’s talk about the name drawing.”

Nodding, I set my mug of hot chocolate down on the table.

“We randomly picked ten of the women,” Jack explained, “and they’ll be in the barn on the ranch tomorrow night, where you’ll draw the first name—”

“What’s the first date?” Hunter interjected.

Jack smiled. “That’s the best part—you both find out at the same time.”

Hunter gave me a look. “Do you know what the dates are?”

I shrugged. “I’ll be finding out when you do.”

Hunter turned his attention back to Jack and Travis. “Will Kipton be going on the dates with us?”

I let out a snort of laughter, then covered my mouth and coughed.

Jack looked from Hunter, to me, then back to Hunter. “Why in the world would Kipton go on the dates with you?”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean on the actual dates; I meant, will she be hosting it, since it’s live?”

It was Travis who answered. “Well, she’ll be there hosting it, but she’ll stay back here with the crew while you and your date go out. After the date, when you get back to your family’s ranch, and your date returns to the château at Bitterroot River Ranch, you’ll both spend time in the Truth Booths. At that point, Kipton will be at the guesthouse with you.”

I jumped in and said, “Before you both sit down in your respective booths, I’ll remind the audience how it works.”

“There are two hours dedicated to each live date, including your time in the Truth Booth. The audience will also get to do a live vote on whether you should swipe left or right, and everyone at home can see the results in real time,” Jack added.

Hunter looked nervous. “And even if I swipe right, if she swipes left, she leaves?”

We all nodded. That had been something Hunter wouldn’t budge on. If one of the girls wanted to leave at any time, not just during the Truth Booth, she was free to leave. After all, there would surely be some who simply didn’t connect with Hunter. As for the audience vote, that was just something fun for the viewers, a way to be involved and for them to weigh in on the dates…and to gauge the popularity of the women.

“Good. Should we get to filming my initial reactions, then?” Hunter asked with a sigh.

“We’re set up in the next room. The girls are at the château today, doing their filming. They’ll all be brought over to the ranch bright and early tomorrow,” Jack added. “Winnie will come by to help with wardrobe selection for Hunter, since she’ll know what the date options are.” He turned and looked at me, raising a brow in question.