Early September – Shaw Family Ranch – Hamilton, MT

My father and mother stared at me as they let what I’d just told them sink in.

When I couldn’t take the silence any longer, I asked, “Are you both in shock, or should I be worried or something?”

“A reality dating show?” my father asked.

Mom scrunched her nose. “Called…Swipe Right?”

I nodded. “The challenges of dating in the real world…that’s the tagline.”

“But…it’s reality TV…how is that the real world?”

Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed. “It’s not, really…but, Dad, they’re offering to donate a crazy amount of money to your foundation. It could build a new outdoor arena and the water park for Uncle Beck’s park.”

“Is this something you want to do, Hunter?” Dad asked.

My mind drifted back to the image of Kipton Howse that Lily had shown me, but I quickly shoved it away. When I’d told everyone at Blayze and Georgiana’s wedding about the reality show and mentioned the host, Lily had whipped out her phone to display a picture of Kipton to everyone. I was instantly intrigued.

I’d gone home that night and googled her, which I’d never admit to my family. Since then, I’d learned quite a bit about the former Miss Montana. The money for Dad and the chance to meet Kipton were pretty much the only reasons I considered this whole crazy thing.

I cleared my throat. “I wasn’t on board at first, but if we get something good out of it, then what harm could it do? They want to film a lot of it on the ranch, though, and I won’t agree to do it if you say no. Plus, they mentioned filming during my winter break, but the schedule is actually for two months, then an additional two months if I date the person I end up picking. I’d have to work it out with the school to do remote for part of November, December, and January. One of the producers mentioned that he didn’t think it would be a problem. His father has some pull at the school. And with it being my last semester, my workload is pretty easy anyway. Jack Morris and Travis Ryan are the producers, and their parents own the network. All told, it’s only for a couple of months. So I can still compete this spring.”

Looking at my mom, my father then focused back on me and smiled. It wasn’t the kind of smile that gave me a feel-good vibe. No…it was the kind of smile that made me shudder.

I looked at my mother. And she had an equally evil glint in her eye.

“I don’t like the way you’re looking at me,” I said, glancing back and forth between them.

“I say do it!” Dad announced. “This should be one hell of a ride, better than any riding competition you’ve ever been in. It’ll be fine as long as they respect the boundaries of where they can go on the ranch.”

Mom’s hand covered her mouth in a sad attempt to hide the tiny burst of laughter that slipped free.

“You…you want me to do it?” I won’t lie, I’d been kind of hoping he’d say no. “And you’re okay with filming on the ranch?”

They both nodded. “But only if the school will let you do remote,” Mom warned. “You know how we feel about you finishing college, and you’re right at the end, so there’s no point delaying it when you are at the finish line.”

I blinked at them while my gaze continued to move from one to the other.

“What’s the matter, son? You look a little pale.” Dad smirked as he reached over and hit me on the side of the arm. “Who knows? We may even get a daughter-in-law out of this.”

My mouth dropped open, and I stared as they stood, joined hands, and walked out of the room…laughing their asses off.

Chapter One


Bozeman, MT – Late October

I drew in a deep breath as I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

“One, two…”

Please don’t be angry with me.

“Five, six…”

Oh, they’re going to be so angry with me.