“What’s wrong?” Kipton asked, returning.

Opening my eyes, I looked at Paul, then back to Kipton. “Nothing. Ready?”

She gave me a nod and we headed out through the country club. Everyone was staring at us as we walked. Who wouldn’t, when you have a freaking mini camera crew following your every move?

“Is this necessary?” I asked to no one in particular.

“Are you asking me?” Kipton asked.

“Yes! Why do they have to follow me literally at all times?”

“Well, the girls have cameras set up at their house to catch conversations. It seems only fair to follow you as well.”

I stopped and stared at her with what I was sure was a horrified expression. “What? That’s an invasion of privacy. They agreed to that?”

“Yes,” Kipton quickly said. “Not everywhere in the house, obviously. Only the common areas, like the kitchen, living room, places like that. They’re all aware of which rooms have cameras in them and which ones don’t. When they walk into a particular room, they know that anything they do or say could be used on the show.”

I sighed. “I should have told them no to any cameras outside of filming hours.”

“Then tell them no.”

Laughing without humor, I said, “I signed the contract already, Kip. I can’t change the rules now.”

“Okay, how about this. What if you let them install cameras in the guesthouse where you’re staying during filming. Same setup as the girls’ place. The kitchen, living room, areas you’re comfortable with…in exchange for no camera crew tailing you.”

When I stared at her like she’d lost her mind, she looked over to Paul and his assistant, Louie. “Would you rather have Paul and Louie following your every move? No offense, guys.”

“None taken, Ms. Howse,” they replied in unison.

I let the idea sink in for a bit. After a few minutes of staring out the window, I pulled out my phone and hit Jack’s cell phone number.

By the time we pulled up to my parents’ house, Paul was turning off his equipment after getting a call from Jack.

As I walked with Kipton to the front door, she said, “I assume Jack said okay?”

“He did, with a few other stipulations,” I said as I rubbed at the back of my neck. “There will be a camera in the limo, as well as my truck.”

“That’s not so bad.”

“Says the woman who isn’t living her whole life out in the open for a million people to see and judge.”


We stopped at the door and turned to face each other. “What?”

“The numbers for tonight’s live show was over three million.”

My mouth fell open. “You’ve got to be kidding me! How do that many people even know about the show?”

Kipton grinned. “It’s called good marketing.”

“Or everyone got a look at the hostess in the promos and tuned in.”

“Flattery will get you only so far, Mr. Shaw.”

I laughed and stared at Kipton. Even with just the light of the front porch, I could see those baby-blue eyes of hers. When her gaze dropped to my mouth, I felt my breath stall in my chest.

She quickly jerked her gaze back up and stood in silence for a moment. When she finally spoke, I was so busy getting lost in her eyes again, I jumped slightly.