The next few intros flew by. Ally, a twenty-five-year-old marketing manager from Charleston, South Carolina. Hunter commented about wanting to visit there.

Bekah, twenty-six, an account executive from Savannah, Georgia, won over the crew with a box of warm cookies she gave Hunter that she made herself, from her grandmother’s famous chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Genevie. Another knock-out with her brown hair and blue eyes that even I could see from where I was standing. Of course, her blue dress made them pop. She was twenty-five and from New Orleans. My notes told me she was a nurse.

Lili was twenty-seven, dressed in tight jeans and an even tighter shirt. Hunter seemed to be fighting not to look at her breasts. Understandably, since they were about to spill out of her T-shirt that read I sell boob machines.

Rainey was twenty-four, another blonde, and an aspiring actress from LA. She had informed me upon meeting that she was bisexual and hoping for a threesome out of this deal. Not going to lie, I nearly died right there on the spot from choking on the olive I’d popped into my mouth at that exact moment of her confession.

Sarah appeared, with her girl-next-door look. She was twenty-two, had light brown hair with blonde highlights. She wore a simple cocktail dress that wasn’t over the top, but still sexy in its simplicity. It showed just enough to leave you wondering. Or at least, if I were a guy, that would be my thought. Hunter seemed instantly taken with her. She was another content creator from upstate New York, but was born and raised in good ol’ Montana. So she had that going for her.

Mary came bouncing in with a huge smile on her face. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and wore her hair up in a French twist that emphasized her cheekbones. She handed Hunter a bag from the department store where she worked. When he opened it, it was a red piece of lacy lingerie. Hunter took one look at it and shoved it back into the bag and handed it back to a very confused Mary. She smiled and played off the rejection.

The last one out was Lynn. She was the youngest, the same age as Hunter at twenty-one. She was also a college student from Austin, Texas.

I made my way over to my mark as Hunter wrapped up the introduction with Lynn.

Smiling before the camera went live on me, I waited for the red light to come on and for Jack to say in my ear, “You’re on, Kipton.”

“There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Our twenty young women, whom we’ll all get to know over the next two months. As a reminder, Tuesday and Thursday nights will feature prerecorded footage, and Wednesday and Friday will feature live dates. We’re not leaving you quite yet, though. Our cameras have followed Hunter into the ballroom, where a buffet dinner is taking place for everyone to get a chance to get to know one another, as well as our bachelor. At the end of each date night, Hunter will make his way into the Truth Booth and give us all a brief rundown of how he thought our first day went. The Truth Booth will be available on the website for you to watch. As you can tell, it’s dinner time, and I don’t know about you, but I’m starved—for food and for a recap of Hunter’s thoughts on the women he’s met. So continue to tune in and we’ll be right back.”

Jack counted down in my ear and said, “Clear.”

I exhaled and pulled the earpiece from my ear. Winnie walked over and smiled. “You did great, Kipton.”

“Thank you. I wasn’t lying though, I’m really starving.”

“There’s a buffet set up for the crew in the next ballroom over,” Jessie told me.

I looked back over my shoulder. “I can’t eat in there?”

Jessie started to laugh—then quickly stopped, pressing her lips together. “Oh, you were serious?”

“Yes,” I said. “I am serious. I’m not allowed to eat with the rest of the cast?”

She shook her head. “No, sorry, it’s only for the women and Hunter.”

I looked longingly at the delicious food I could see on a long stretch of tables. “Oh, well…okay. That’s fine.”

As I made my way to the next room, I took one more peek into the ballroom and spied Stormy and Kimber on either side of Hunter. He looked like he was in paradise—smiling and laughing as they practically clawed at him.

Turning back around, I mumbled, “Men.”

Chapter Six


I was exhausted and it wasn’t even dessert yet. Twenty women, all fighting for my attention…and if I had to remove one more hand off my thigh as it made its way to my crotch, I was going to explode. Jack was going to have to talk to some of these ladies. A few were far too touchy-feely for my liking.

It had only taken me meeting half the women before I realized I’d made a terrible mistake by agreeing to do this show. It wasn’t like I could yell CUT every time I wanted to set someone straight. Or figure out what to say when they asked how old I was when I’d lost my virginity. My mother was watching this fucking show, for Christ’s sake…live.

After glancing around the room repeatedly for what felt like an hour, I finally heard Jack in my ear during a commercial break.

“If you’re looking for Kipton, she’s eating with the crew.”

“Why?” I asked, causing Stormy, Lili, and I think her name was…Lynn?…to all look at me with confused expressions.

“Talking to the guy in my ear,” I said, pointing.