“Did she just say she’s very bendy?” I asked. Jack turned around and put his finger to his lips.

Sorry, I mouthed as Winnie yet again struggled not to laugh.

Hunter kissed the back of her hand and said something I couldn’t hear, but it caused Ms. Bendy to blush.

Jessie lightly tapped my shoulder. “You’re up, Kipton.”

“Shit,” I mumbled, praying my mic was still off as I made my way over to my mark. After following Stormy across the room, the camera switched to me.

“That was our first ten ladies. Do we have any favorites yet?” I asked with a smile. “When we come back from commercial break, we’ll check in with Hunter before he meets the remaining women.”

“Annnnnd…we’re clear,” someone stated.

I turned to see Hunter shoving a hand through his hair just as his makeup and hair team rushed over to fix the tousled locks. Our eyes met, and he rolled his—hard. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Let me touch up your lip gloss, Kipton,” Tricia said.

Jessie led me over to where Hunter still stood, the double doors shut and ready for the next round of women.

“How you holding up?” I asked.

Hunter glanced around, then leaned in so only I could hear. “I already forgot all their names, and the last one whispered in my ear that she’s totally open to have sex off camera.”

My eyes went wide. “They signed agreements stating they knew there was no sex with you.”

He nodded, then said, “On camera. I’ll be so damn happy when they realize the cameras are following me everywhere. Otherwise I feel like a couple of them might ambush me.”

I couldn’t help but giggle.

“We’re back in sixty seconds,” Jack called out.

“Okay, ready?” I asked, not sure if I was talking to Hunter or myself.

“Hey, how are you doing?”

Peeking at him, I ignored the way my stomach flipped when he looked at me like I was the only person in the room. “I’m doing great.”

“Ten, nine, eight…”

Hunter and I moved to our spots, and I drew in a deep breath, blowing it out right as the red light came on.

“Welcome back to our first night of Swipe Right. Hunter, our bachelor, is in the process of meeting all of the stunningly beautiful women who’ll soon be vying for dates. We’re halfway through, Hunter, so I must ask, have you felt a connection with any of the women so far?”

He seemed a bit confused by my question and paused for a moment. I had told him the question ahead of time so he could be prepared, so I wasn’t sure what the pause was about.

He shook his head and smiled. “I’m not sure. It’ll be nice to spend the evening with them and get to know each person a little more. I’m sure the dates will help, as well, in determining whether there are any connections. I think most people know that attraction based solely on appearances can be misleading.”

I nodded as my heart raced in my chest. Hunter was unlike any guy I had ever met. The respect he had for these women was something else to admire him for. “Well, let’s get back to it, shall we? We have ten more lovely women for you to meet.”

Motioning with my hand, I stepped aside and off camera. I had been practicing for weeks between classes, with Jack and Travis, on where I would stand at certain locations, how they wanted things to flow. For the most part, I had little in the way of a script, except for a few key things they wanted me to say.

The first woman after break was Haleigh. Her dark brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and she wore a classy dress suit. It showed off her curves, making it modest yet sexy. I liked it far better than most of the dresses the previous girls had worn. Her deep brown skin looked amazing against the ultra-white suit. Hunter seemed to be captivated by her.

I glanced at my notes to see what it was she did for a living. I’d memorized the details of most contestants, but a few were added last-minute. Haleigh was a family therapist from Sacramento, California.

Brina was introduced. A twenty-five-year-old content creator from Austin, Texas, who came dressed in a cheerleading outfit. Her blonde hair was pulled in two pigtails, and she had more energy than the Energizer bunny himself. Hunter seemed to get a kick out of her playful nature, though. As she walked off, she yelled, “Keep Austin Weird!”

I couldn’t help it; I rolled my eyes, and in my peripheral, I saw Winnie do the same.