Next up was Kyra. Blonde hair, blue eyes, rocking body and, judging by the way she was acting with Hunter, a big-time flirt.

“Is she shaking her breasts?” I asked Winnie in a hushed voice.

“I’d say it was more of a bounce than an actual shake.”

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

Devyn was up next. A lovely Latino woman whom I’d liked immediately. She pulled no punches and admitted she was here for the money and the money only. She lived in San Diego, where she was putting herself through nursing school. The endgame for her wasn’t a romance, it was her future. I could see Hunter pairing up with her simply for that reason alone. According to Hunter himself, the last thing he wanted was a relationship.

My bet was on Devyn winning the whole thing, but that part I’d keep to myself.

“They seem to be hitting it off,” Winnie observed as we watched Hunter give Devyn a kiss on the cheek, then a hug. So far, she was the first woman with whom he’d initiated contact.

“Oh yeah,” Winnie confirmed. “He likes her.”

I nodded and ignored the sudden jealous pang that ripped through me.

What in the hell, Kipton? Get it together.

“How many more until commercial?” I asked Jessie, one of the production assistants. She didn’t answer, and I wasn’t sure if it was because someone was talking in her ear or she was simply ignoring me.

Ansley, an actress from LA, entered the conference room. She was young, adorably cute, and wearing a dress so tight I couldn’t help but wonder how she walked at all. She also had blonde hair and blue eyes. Clearly the show thought Hunter had a type.

She nearly threw herself at him, whispered something in his ear, then pinched his ass. My mouth fell open—and so did Hunter’s.

“Make a note to talk to Ansley about the physical contact,” Jack stated to Jessie, who quickly jotted the reminder on her notepad.

The next contestant was Stormy. I highly doubted that was her real name. Yet another blonde, with light brown eyes, and employed as an ER nurse. When the doors opened, she let out a squeal and ran toward Hunter.

“Oh. My. God!” I said as she jumped into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist, and planted a kiss on his lips. To Hunter’s credit, he managed to get her unstuck from his lips while not looking too appalled.

He put her down gently, and Stormy launched into how much she was looking forward to getting to know him. It was all I could do to keep my lunch in my stomach. Winnie and I both looked at each other, then back to the train wreck before us.

“There always has to be one drama queen,” Jessie whispered.

I tried not to grimace, but did, in fact, nod my head in agreement.

The doors opened, and Juliet, an entrepreneur from Miami, Florida, walked through like she owned the world. I was in awe of her confidence. Her curly black hair fell below her shoulders, and she wore a purple dress that made her brown skin glow. Her smile lit up the room, and just like when I’d met her yesterday, I found myself drawn in. There was something about her that made you want to spill all your secrets. Maybe it was the confidence. Hunter and she talked for a few moments before she kissed him on the cheek and walked into the room where the rest of the women were waiting.

Hunter glanced my way and smiled before he focused back on the doors. They opened, and Vivian stood there holding…a dog?

“She brought a dog?” I asked Winnie, who simply shrugged.

I squinted at the animal as I watched Vivian draw closer to Hunter. It wasn’t a real dog, thank goodness, but a very realistic stuffed animal. She handed it to Hunter, offered the cliché “can’t wait to get to know you better” line…then added that the stuffed dog represented a real pet she hoped they would walk together on a beach one day soon.

Oh, brother. Isn’t she from Dallas? What beach is she talking about?

Hunter stared at the stuffed animal before shrugging. “We don’t have many beaches here in Montana.”

I raised my brow. Wow. He was making it known right off the bat that he had no intention of leaving Montana.

Vivian let out a loud, ear-piercing laugh as she took the stuffed animal and said she’d hang on to it for Hunter.

The last contestant before break appeared—and I heard someone behind me gasp. It was no surprise that they’d scheduled Sarriah to be last in this round. She was beyond beautiful. Twenty-seven, another blonde, with a body to die for. She was a fitness instructor and it showed. She wore a two-piece dress that was open at the midriff, displaying her tight stomach. Her hair was piled up on her head, and she had a certain air about her…

I couldn’t put my finger on the impression she gave, but there was something that just seemed…off.

Sarriah stopped in front of Hunter, held her arms out to her sides, and spun around slowly so he could take in every inch.