The red light was back on, and I started to read the prompter.

“That’s some bachelor we have for the first season of Swipe Right. Now is the moment everyone has been waiting for—or at least, I’m sure you’ve been waiting for, Hunter.”

He smiled and offered a nod.

“You get to meet the twenty lucky single women who will be living at a château not far from your family ranch. Are you ready?”

Hunter rubbed his hands together in what I knew had to be a nervous gesture. “I’m ready.”

Turning to the camera, I said, “Ladies and gentlemen, let the game begin!”

The camera faded off me and focused on the door. I squeezed Hunter’s arm and smiled before I quickly made my way over to stand next to Jack, who was directing this episode.

“Here we go,” he whispered as the double doors opened to reveal the first contestant. As I’d told Hunter, I’d met the women already, and a few of them I’d instantly liked. By “few,” I mean three exactly. The rest seemed so shallow and fake, and not women I could see Hunter falling for. Then again, I’d only known Hunter a few weeks, and before that, we’d only spoken via Zoom calls.

I watched as Mollie walked through the open door. She was beautiful. Black hair that was pulled back into a French twist, a form-fitting black dress that made her green eyes pop. She smiled the moment she saw Hunter. I watched as he let his gaze move over her body. A small part of me wondered why he hadn’t checked me out like that the first time we met. Of course, it could have been because both of my parents were standing next to me.

“Hey,” Mollie said in a seductive tone. “I’m Mollie.”

Glancing over to the monitor, I read the same information the viewers would see: Mollie, age twenty-six, consultant, San Francisco.

Hunter held out his hand, and she swatted it away before she practically threw herself into his arms. He hugged her and chuckled.

“Hi, Mollie. I’m Hunter.”

She let out an ear-piercing fake laugh as she placed a hand on his chest and waggled her brows. “Oh, I know who you are, sweetheart.”

Hunter let out an awkward laugh this time. “Well, I look forward to getting to know you.”

Her teeth dug into her lower lip as she purred back, “So do I, handsome. So. Do. I.”

“Oh, please,” I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

Jack gave me one of those looks my mother gave me when she wanted me to be quiet.

I put my hand over my mouth and shrugged an apology.

The doors had closed after Mollie walked through, so that the next girl could get into place. There was a ten-second pause between women so they could play a prerecorded clip of each girl expressing how excited she was to meet Hunter.

The doors opened again, and standing there was one of the girls I’d liked from our introductions. Kimber. She was cute and had that small-town girl vibe, even though she lived in New York City. Her genuine demeanor was probably because she’d come from a small town in the Midwest. She had light brown hair that was pulled back into a pony, and her short white dress showed off her body—including her breasts. My goodness…had they gotten bigger since last night?

“No,” someone whispered. “She’s wearing a push-up bra.”

I turned to see Winnie standing behind me. My face heated as I whispered, “Did I say that out loud?”

She nodded and attempted not to laugh.

Turning back, I watched as Hunter and Kimber spoke. I could tell instantly that he liked her…and why wouldn’t he? She was beautiful, had a stunning smile, and she was definitely charming.

She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, then headed into a connecting ballroom. Hunter followed her with his eyes, but only for a moment. I drew my gaze back to the door to see who’d be walking through next.

Good God, eighteen more women. I knew they were going to take a commercial break after ten, and then it would be my turn to make an appearance. I was supposed to ask Hunter what he thought of the women he’d met so far. I’d expressed my concern to the producers that the question seemed a bit sexiest, and in return, Jack agreed and told me to ask Hunter whatever I wanted.

That was a mistake on their part.

The doors opened once again to reveal another woman. Harper. She was truly gorgeous. Her black hair was pulled up into a bun, and if I remembered right, she had amazing amber eyes. Her brown skin looked stunning against the cream-colored dress. She was the oldest contestant, telling me she’d turned thirty-two a few weeks ago. Glancing down at my notes, I saw that she was in marketing. Or was she? With some of the ladies not being truthful, it was hard to know what they were fibbing about and what was truth.

Hunter and Harper laughed about something, then she gave him a hug and stepped away to join the other women.