Jack nodded. “Yes, that was in the contract you signed.”

Blayze faced me. “Dude, did you even read the contract?”

“Dad’s lawyers did!”

“But you didn’t?” Blayze asked, his voice filled with shock.

“I figured if anything was that important, they’d let me know.”

“And they thought not being able to leave the house without a film crew following you around wasn’t important?”

I scrubbed a hand down my face.

“Listen, Hunter,” Travis started. “The film crew is going to cut you some slack. If they don’t think what you’re doing will be of interest to the audience, they won’t film it.”

My jaw clenched. “Do I get any private time?”

“In your designated safe places,” all three of them said at once.

“Fuck you, Blayze!” I nearly shouted.

He laughed. “I wasn’t the one who didn’t read my contract.”

“Gentlemen, we need to focus here,” Jack stated as he attempted to keep me from throttling my brother. “What will happen today is, Kipton will kick things off. She’ll give a brief rundown of how Swipe Right works, then she’ll introduce you, Hunter. In the marketing we’ve done, we’ve already given the audience a sneak peek at who you are.”

“Yeah, but showing him team roping. That was it,” Blayze said.

“What can I say? There is something about cowboys that women like,” Jack replied.

I rolled my eyes.

Jack continued. “After Kipton introduces you, you’ll be taken to a room where you get to meet the twenty contestants. They’ve each submitted a profile of themselves, as you know. What you don’t know is—half of them have lied.”

My head reared back as I asked, “What do you mean, they lied?”

He smiled. “They all got your profile first. And as part of the whole social experiment part of dating, some of them flat-out lied. For instance, there’s one girl who stated she loves to ride horses, and we know for a fact she’s never been on a horse in her entire life.”

“But will I know which ones lied?” I asked.

Both men grinned. “That wouldn’t make it very fun now, would it?” Jack said with a chuckle.

“Holy hell,” Blayze said. “This is going to be hilarious.”

I shot my brother a go-to-hell look before I scowled at Jack and Travis. “This really is a fucking social experiment.”

Jack reached over and hit me on the side of the arm. “Don’t worry, you’re going to have fun.”

Once we got to the country club, it was clear all hell was breaking loose. People were racing around outside, shouting, carrying equipment, and generally looking panicked.

“Who in the hell thought it would be a good idea to do this live?” I asked no one in particular. I caught sight of Kipton and couldn’t help but smile. She looked beautiful. She wore a white suit with high-heel white boots. Georgiana was adjusting the shirt and coat Kipton was wearing.

“What’s Georgiana doing here?” I asked Blayze.

“She took one look at the wardrobe they had for Kipton and said hell no. She and Morgan met with wardrobe and basically strong-armed them into using their clothes for her.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, she looks beautiful.”

Blayze looked at me with an expression that screamed “I told you so.”