She sighed. “Hunter and Morgan do not like to lose. I heard they once had a game going for days.”

I looked back out to see the siblings in question arguing over something she drew on a large piece of paper. After charades, we’d moved on to Pictionary.

“How does that look like a sneaker?” Hunter asked.

“It clearly looks like a shoe, Hunter! I’m a fashion designer. I know how to draw a damn sneaker!”

“Language, children,” one of the mothers called out, but exactly who it was remained unknown to me.

Smiling, I looked at Georgiana. “Do you come from a large family?”

“No,” she replied with a shake of her head. “You?”

“Nope. But I wish I did. I can only imagine what it’s like at the holidays with this group.”

She chuckled. “A lot of fun. They fight often, but boy do they love each other fiercely. You’ll see for yourself since you’ll be staying here for two months.”

“I have to admit, I did a bit of research on Hunter when I found out I was going to be hosting the show. I don’t remember seeing Dirk and Merit listed as family.”

Georgiana glanced over at the couple, who were in deep conversation with my parents. “They’re not blood related. Dirk has been Brock’s best friend since childhood, and he rode on the PBR circuit with him. They’re like family, and the kids have always called them aunt and uncle.”

“That’s so nice,” I said as I took a sip of my drink. “I’d love to have a big family someday. I always wondered what it would have been like to have a brother or a sister.”

“Me too,” Georgiana said wistfully as she placed a hand over her stomach. I don’t think she was even aware she’d done it multiple times this evening.

When she saw me glancing at her hand, she immediately moved it.

“It must be exciting to have your sister-in-law pregnant along with you.”

Georgiana grinned. “It is exciting. Lincoln and Brock are crazy thrilled.”

“Congratulations again.”

Her eyes lit up as she returned my smile with one so brilliant, it made my chest squeeze with something like…jealousy? I pushed that thought away.

“I also heard you both own a boutique in town. That’s so fun!”

She nodded. “It definitely is. And Morgan is so damn talented. She has a new lingerie line coming out for spring. Avery, our cousin, the one in Paris, she’s modeling some of the tamer designs, so Dirk and Merit don’t have a heart attack seeing their sixteen-year-old in lingerie.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“What are you two chatting about?” Lily asked as she sat down on my other side.

“A new line they have coming out,” I said, smiling at Georgiana.

“Yep. A lingerie line Morgan helped design. I’m dying for everyone to see it.”

Lily gasped. “Morgan designed a lingerie line? Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to see!”

We soon got lost in a conversation about the store. “Do you have to supply your own clothing for the show?” Georgiana eventually asked.

“They’ll have a wardrobe for me…or at least, that’s what I’m told.”

Georgiana grinned like she’d just come up with the best idea ever. “What if the boutique supplied you with some of the outfits? For free, of course, in exchange for them listing us in the credits?”

“I think that’s a brilliant idea. We can talk to Jack and Travis about it tomorrow,” I stated.

Clapping and nearly bouncing in her seat, Georgiana jumped up. “I’ve got to go tell Morgan!”