Laughing, I kissed her again before setting her down.

“Hunter,” my mother said with tears in her eyes. “That was amazing.”

Next it was my father, then Uncle Tanner, who’d been asked to announce the team roping. He pulled me in and hugged me. “I could hardly get the words out, I was so choked up. I’m so proud of you, Hunter.”

I fought to hold my own emotions back. “I learned from the very best.”

“Hell yeah, you did,” he said, giving me another quick hug.

Searching around, I saw Kipton once again. I held out my hand, and she walked over and took it. “You ready?”

Her blue eyes danced with love and happiness. “I’ve never been more ready.”

Turning to face everyone, I called out, “Let’s get back to Hamilton. We’ve got a wedding in a few days!”

Cheers erupted as I walked away from one journey, ready to start the next.

I blew out a breath and jumped up and down to calm myself. So much had happened in the past few days. Last day of classes, finals, last ride with Dustin, and now I was getting married. Hell, Kipton and I would be married when we both went to our commencements. Kipton’s was May tenth, and mine was May twelfth, so it was going to be awesome to be able to be at each other’s ceremony.

“It’s normal to be nervous,” Uncle Ty said as he worked on Joshua’s tie. “What in the hell did you do to this knot, son?”

Joshua shrugged. “Why do you think I asked you to fix it?”

Bradly sat on the sofa next to Nathan, both dressed in jeans, white button-down shirts, and light blue ties. Their black cowboy hats sat on the coffee table. Kipton’s favorite color was blue, so the ties were the only thing she requested when she agreed I could pick what the groomsmen wore.

“There,” Uncle Ty said. “Don’t touch it.”

The photographer walked in and let out a whistle. “My goodness, a roomful of cowboys. I’ve died and gone to heaven. We all ready?”

“Almost,” my mother said as she walked up to me and pinned the boutonniere on my black vest. “There.” She patted my chest and blinked back tears. “Now you’re ready.”

“I love you, Mom.” A tear slipped down her cheek, and I reached up and gently wiped it away.

“Oh, Hunter. You are my life. I love you more.”

Leaning in, I kissed her cheek. “All right. Let’s go grab a few photos.”

Kipton and I agreed not to see one another before the wedding. I wanted to be surprised when I saw her walking toward me. But we did ask for some time alone afterward.

“You officially lost the bet, Nathan,” Joshua said as he held out his hand. Nathan rolled his eyes and slapped a ten-dollar bill into his palm.

“What did you bet?” I asked as we made our way to the site where the photographer wanted to take pictures.

Looking over his shoulder at me, Joshua said, “He bet you wouldn’t be getting married, and I bet you would be.”

I pushed Nathan playfully. “You bet against me, dude?”

He shrugged. “Someone had to.”

The photographer snapped pics of me with the groomsmen, then with my dad and my uncles. As soon as she took the last shot, the wedding planner—also known as Aunt Kaylee—called out and motioned to her watch.

“It’s time,” someone said. I was too nervous to even know who’d spoken.

Blayze fell in step beside me, and we walked in silence for a bit before I asked, “How’s Georgiana doing?”

A wide grin erupted on his face. “Amazing. Beautiful. The best mother.”

I slapped him on the back. “Two boys. Karma.”