His face lit up, and he wiped away a tear. “Kip, I want to watch you walk down the aisle and know you’re mine forever. I want to see you pregnant with our kids. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I don’t give a damn who thinks it’s too fast. Although your dad did say we couldn’t get married until we both graduated.”

I grinned at that. “What about your team roping?” I asked.

It was then I was gifted with that wicked smile of his. The smile that I was positive caused me to fall in love with him. And that dimple… Lord, that dimple.

“The only team I’m interested in is the one we’re going to build.”

I let out another sob and somehow managed to say yes. Hunter slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me, with Stella and Ty Sr. quietly getting up and leaving the room.

“What are you smiling about?” Hunter asked, his mouth next to my ear.

Looking down at the ring on my finger, I smiled wider. It was a platinum band with an intricate pattern, and numerous small baguette diamonds. The large diamond in the center was princess cut, and the whole effect was elegant and delicate.

“I cannot believe Stella wanted you to give me her engagement ring.”

Hunter lifted my hand and kissed the back of it. “A princess diamond for my princess.”

I shook my head. “I also can’t believe you asked me to marry you.”

His eyes twinkled. “We should go celebrate.”

“Oh no,” I said, waving my finger at him. “No. Not in your parents’ house.”

“Why not?” he asked, his whole face transformed into a pout. “We did it before.”

Slapping him, I said, “Hush!”

“I’m just saying,” he whispered, turning my hand and kissing my wrist, then quickly flicking his tongue out to touch my skin. “We can be quiet.”

My body temperature started to climb, and I dragged my gaze around the room. “But this second Christmas is all for my parents and me.”

Hunter didn’t even bother to look. “And do you see how no one is paying any attention to us over here?”

I looked around again. “So…no one would notice if we snuck out of the house for a bit?”

He smiled wide before we both whispered, “The guesthouse?”

Hunter stood. “God, I love that you think the same way as me.”

Giggling, I allowed him to take my hand as we weaved our way through the throngs of people. Once we got to the front door, I pulled him to a stop. “I need my coat.”


“I don’t know. What if your truck breaks down and we’re stuck outside in the cold?”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “My truck isn’t going to break down.”

“It might!”

With a frustrated sigh, he motioned toward the stairs. “Go get your coat, and I’ll grab mine.”

“Perfect!” I said, lifting to kiss him before I dashed up the steps.

Two minutes later, we were about to walk through the door when it suddenly opened—and the most stunning young girl came to a stop, smiling at us both. Her sapphire eyes were unlike anything I’d ever seen. And with the Shaw family, that was saying something.

“Avery? You finally made it!” Hunter said, picking the girl up and spinning her around.

Laughing, Avery took off her hat, and her light brown hair tumbled down her shoulders. “I thought I wasn’t going to be able to catch a flight out of JFK, but Claire arranged for a private plane to get me home. She said if she didn’t have me home for New Year’s Eve, my parents would say no more Paris!”