I nodded. “As well as Bradly,” I added, with a smile in his direction.

Hunter leaned in and softly muttered, “Don’t encourage him, Kip.”

I turned to look at him in surprise. He’d called me Kip. No one had ever called me by a nickname. Why did that make my heart flutter?

Forcing my gaze off him, I turned back to the large group while Hunter introduced me.

“I’ll go by families. It’ll make it easier,” he joked.

“And you’ll be quizzed at the end of the night,” said a beautiful young woman with dark blonde hair, standing next to a very handsome guy with short light brown hair.

Hunter laughed. “Don’t listen to my sister. But since she spoke up first, this is my older sister, Morgan, and her husband, Ryan Marshall. Morgan and Ryan are expecting their first baby this May.”

Morgan made her way over and gave me a warm hug. “It’s so great meeting you, Kipton.”

“Likewise,” I said, as I shook Ryan’s hand.

“If you ever need an escape, you’re more than welcome to come to our place. Especially if you like horses,” Ryan said.

“I love them!” I beamed. “And thank you.”

They moved on, and another couple appeared in front of us. They looked to be in their mid-twenties. The guy was the spitting image of Brock, so I figured he had to be Blayze.

“Blayze Shaw, Hunter’s older brother,” he said, shaking my hand. “This is my wife, Georgiana.”

“It’s a pleasure meeting you both,” I replied.

“They’re expecting a baby at the end of April,” Hunter added.

“Oh, wow, congratulations!”

No one else made a move to approach, so Hunter pointed at a couple. “That’s Uncle Ty and Aunt Kaylee.”

They both waved, so I waved back as I said, “Nice to meet you.”

“One of their offspring is Rose Marie,” Hunter continued, as a stunning young woman stood and smiled at me. Her blonde hair was pulled half up and half down, with curls that I would kill for. I could see her blue eyes shining brightly from across the room. “She also goes to Montana State.”

“I wonder if we’ve ever seen each other or taken classes together?” I asked.

Rose gave a little shrug. “I’m not sure.”

“And Joshua is their son.”

A boy who looked to be about fifteen tipped his cowboy hat and winked. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Next, you have Uncle Tanner and Aunt Timberlynn. Their kiddos are Lily and Nathan.”

A girl about my age, with dark brown hair, stood and waved. “We also go to the same college.”

“Oh, wonderful,” I said, making a mental note to seek her and Rose out after the introductions.

A young man appeared in front of me suddenly. He lifted my hand and pressed a soft kiss to the back. It took everything I had not to grin. He was darling, maybe around sixteen or so. His eyes were a captivating color of silver, and stood out even more with his brown hair.

“Nathan Shaw. It’s an honor to meet you.”

Hunter reached over, placed a palm on Nathan’s forehead and pushed him away. “Go sit down, Nathan.”

The room erupted in laughter as Nathan started to back away. Before he turned, he blew me a kiss and winked.