Hitting the steering wheel, I cursed. “Motherfucker!”

Aspen came back on the line.

“Lindsay will meet you. Where should I tell her?”

I drew in a deep breath and flew past a ranch truck that had just turned off the side road leading to the main barn. It would most likely be Decker or Hank, heading to feed the animals.

“There’s a boutique on Main,” Lindsay’s voice said through the line. Aspen must have merged our calls. “The one Morgan and Georgiana own…”

I forced myself to stop crying so I could talk. “Yes. I can leave the Jeep there, and if you wouldn’t mind returning the keys to them when the shop opens?”

“Of course not.”

“Do you have money?” Aspen asked.

“Yes,” I said as another sob slipped free. “I have my license and my debit card on me.”

Aspen exhaled. “I always hated that you slipped them into those patches on the back of your phone, but now I’m glad you have them. Be careful driving.”

“Thank you, to both of you.”

“It’s okay, Kipton. It’s going to be okay.”

I hit End and tossed the phone on the passenger seat as I whispered, “It’s not okay. Not at all.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My mother’s Jeep flew past us, causing Blayze to slam on the brakes.

“What the fuck?” he swore. “She knows better than to drive like that on snowy roads.”

“What’s Mom doing up and out this early?” I asked.

“Probably Dad woke her up. When he found that camera outside the house, you know he lost his shit.”

I shook my head. “I can’t believe they planted a camera outside Mom and Dad’s. I know Travis is an ass, but I actually trusted Jack.”

Blayze shook his head. “Hank found one in a stall in the main barn this morning, as well.”

“What?” I said, practically breaking my neck when my head whipped around.

My phone rang, and I saw it was Jack. I hit ignore. They had broken Shaw Ranch’s contract, the one drafted by our dad’s attorney, and now we had a reason to shut down the damn show. Kipton would still get what was owed to her—and I couldn’t wait to tell her.

“He’s probably on his way to the guesthouse,” Blayze said, nodding to my phone. “I guess it was a good thing you were at my place last night,” he added.

“Thanks again for letting me crash. I didn’t want to be in that damn guesthouse alone after that date, especially with those fucking cameras watching me.”

Jack called again.

“What the fuck does he want?” I growled, sending it to voicemail.

“Probably to beg you to forgive them and let them keep shooting.”

“Too bad. Dad said he already called his lawyer; they’re sending a letter today to stop all production of the show on ranch property.”

Blayze grinned. “Now you and Kipton can just be two normal people dating.”