“They saw the chemistry between the two of you. Go back and look at some of the episodes, and you’ll see the way my son looks at you, and you at him.”

I blinked a few times, surprised, even if I shouldn’t have been. “Really?”

Brock smiled. “Love is a crazy thing, and it’s pretty damn clear you two are head over heels for each other. Millions of people watching you two were bound to see it, as well.”

Lincoln put her hand to her chest. “The way that boy looked at you tonight…my goodness.” Her eyes moved to Brock, then back to me. “It brought back memories of when his father first looked at me that way.”

“But the show—” I started.

“The Truth Booth is on!” Rose said as she burst into the house with Lily on her heels.

“Holy crap, the way he looked at you before he said, ‘fuck it’ and kissed you again!” Lily declared with a dreamy look on her face.

“Lily, language,” Timberlynn said, appearing in the living room, Tanner holding her hand. I could only guess Brock texted for reinforcements.

Turning to glance at her parents, she said, “I’m only repeating what Hunter said.”

Timberlynn winked at me as she sat down across from us. “It was rather romantic.”

“That’s because he’s a Shaw,” Tanner said, his expression smug. “It’s in our blood.”

Timberlynn and Lincoln both snort-laughed.

“Are you saying I’m not romantic?” Tanner asked his wife.

“I’m not saying that at all. In fact, I’ll say that the boys have had excellent role models for the way to treat a woman.”

“Hear, hear!” Lincoln stated.

“Shhh! He’s on!” Lily cried out.

Rose had synced her laptop to the living room TV, and when Hunter appeared, looking as handsome as ever, I felt my breath catch in my chest.

He nodded his head, looked at the camera…and then smiled that same Cheshire grin Rose had. “I don’t think I’m going to kiss and tell this time. Sorry, folks. But I will say this—I get to pick the next movie, Kip.”

He winked at the camera, stood, and walked out of the room, then the picture went black. Lily and Rose both sighed and fell back onto the floor where they were sitting.

“If I don’t find a love like that, I don’t want love.” Lily sighed, as everyone else in the room chuckled.

I was still staring at the TV, smiling so big my cheeks were beginning to ache, when Lincoln squeezed my hand. “Nothing makes me happier than to see that smile on your face, Kipton.”

“He puts it there,” I whispered. Turning to look at Lincoln, I asked, “Can I actually be this happy?”

She wiped a tear away. “Yes. Yes, darling girl, you can.”

I couldn’t take lying in bed a minute longer. I pushed the covers off and headed to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and pulling my hair into a pony, I quickly got dressed. Sweatpants and a Montana State sweatshirt were the first things I found, so I put them on.

Grabbing my phone, I sent Aspen a text. She’d gotten back from Italy late last night. It wasn’t yet six in the morning here, but it was two hours later in New York City, where they were staying for one night before heading back to Bozeman tomorrow.

Me: Did you watch it?

Her reply came instantly.

Aspen: Jesus, Mary, and all the saints, Kipton. That boy…no, MAN…is so in love with you it’s unreal!

I giggled and did a little dance.

Me: I shouldn’t do it, but I’m going to go visit him this morning, and to hell with the cameras. I need to see him.