I let out a humorless chuckle. “Is it that obvious?”

“Maybe not to everyone else, but it is to me.”

Turning to face him, I looked at my older brother. “Do I treat it like a normal date? Do I hold back some? We didn’t want people knowing we’re dating.”

“My advice is to have fun, but maybe remember you have a shit ton of people watching you. Enjoy the time with her, but maybe don’t whisk her off to your bedroom. Wait—do they have a camera in your bedroom?”

I curled my lip. “No, but I’m sure they’d like that.”

“Mom said they now have one outside at the girls’ house for when they go into the hot tub.”

“Yeah, that was a sore spot for Kipton. But I guess they asked the girls, and they were fine with it.”

He rolled his eyes. “When is this damn show over?”

“Not soon enough, but we get a break for Christmas, and Kip and I can do and be whatever we want for a few days.”

“You sure they’re turning the cameras off at your place?”

I frowned. “Jack assured me they were, but that doesn’t mean shit.”

Blayze gave a thoughtful nod, then said, “He might not…but Travis would. I don’t trust the guy. Caught them trying to put a camera up here in the main barn. I told him I’m ripping it down if I find one, but not before I give him my thoughts on this show.”

“Did you tell Dad? That’s a clear violation of the contract they signed.”

He shook his head. “No, but I’ll tell him if they pull something like it again.”

I put everything away that I’d used to groom Iceman, put my jacket on, and led him out to pasture. I enjoyed watching him take off in a mad run when he was set out. He loved it here on the ranch.

As I released the horse, a sudden sense of melancholy washed over me. I had the distinct feeling I was missing something from my life, but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

Turning, I studied the main barn. It was the largest on the ranch. Everything that happened here started in that barn. My brother’s office was there, and my father’s as well. There was even an office for Uncle Tanner and Uncle Ty to share, even though they rarely used it. They both had their own businesses running from their areas of the ranch, but they still had a say in the running of Shaw Ranch as a whole.

We were the largest cattle ranch in Montana, with Uncle Tanner raising some of the best cattle horses. Iceman was one of his horses, actually. Aunt Timberlynn was the first person to climb him and train him for roping cattle. He would be used here on the ranch, but Uncle Tanner thought he’d make a great team roping horse. He gifted him to me my junior year of high school, and together, we’d won a few championships.

When I looked over my shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

Iceman was still standing at the fence, watching me.

I smiled. “It’s okay, boy. Go have fun with the girls.”

He bobbed his head and finally trotted off to join the rest of the herd.

I let my eyes sweep across the vast pastureland and up to the mountains. The sun was shining brighter now, which made the freshly fallen snow look like someone had tossed glitter all over the ranch. I loved this place, and I knew in my heart that I wanted to raise my kids here with the woman I love.

It struck me that this was the first time I’d ever thought about kids of my own.

My hand came up to rub the back of my neck. What in the hell was happening to me?

Approaching the pasture from a smaller barn, my father placed his arms on the wooden fence and looked out over our land. “You look deep in thought.”

I shrugged and looked his way. “I guess I was.”

“Want to talk about it?”

I followed his gaze. “I was just thinking that I always saw my life going one way, and now…” My voice trailed off.

Dad turned and looked at me. “Now you see it going a different way.”