“Yes,” Lily said, then glanced at me. “That dress that Morgan designed looked amazing on you, by the way!”

“Thank you,” I said as Rose grabbed Lily’s hands and brought her attention back to her.

“Anyway, long story short—Kipton and Hunter are dating, and I’m pretty sure they slept together.”

My mouth fell open. “Hey!”

“Oh my God, what?” Lily shouted, causing everyone in the entire place to look at us. “Sorry, sorry!” she said, waving everyone off. “Go back to your pizza eating.”

Mortified, I buried my face in my hands.

“You and Hunter are dating?” Lily asked in a much softer voice.

Rose continued to speak for me. “Yes, but you can’t tell anyone. It’s a secret. And then that jerk of a producer guy had the audience vote for who should be Hunter’s next date, and they picked Kipton!”

“What!? Oh my gosh, I missed one show!” Lily griped. “Are you going to do it?”

I nodded.

“At my advice, I might add. Their first date—well, first show date—is tomorrow. But they had a real first date last Saturday, when they got back from Vegas.”

Lily placed her hand over her heart and sighed. “What did you do?”

I started to talk, but Rose interrupted. “They went to Dustin’s family’s cabin to be alone.” She used finger quotes when she said alone. “Then Dustin had to rush out and get them because, hello, no cell coverage, and when they came back, our girl here looked like she’d been thoroughly satisfied…if you know what I mean!”

Lily’s hand clapped over her mouth as her eyes went wide with excitement.

“You should be a writer, Rose. You have such a way with words,” I deadpanned.

She winked. “Thank you.”

“I wasn’t being serious.”

After taking a drink of her beer, she replied, “I know. Now, how was it? I mean, he is a cousin, so don’t get too graphic, but was the sex good?”

Lily giggled and nodded like one of the bobbleheads you see on people’s dashboards.

“I am not having this conversation with you two.”

Rose let out a bark of laughter. “Oh, I think you are. We’re the closest thing you have to a friend right now, and it’s written all over your face that you’re bursting to talk.”

I looked away and sighed.

Lily reached across the table and squeezed my hand. “Kipton, we really do want to be your friends.”

When I looked back at the two of them, I almost laughed. They both wore such hopeful expressions. “Okay, we were…intimate.”

“How much?” Rose asked.

I looked around the restaurant, then leaned across the table. “We made love at the cabin, and…it was my first time.”

They both gasped as their eyes went wide. Of course, leave it to Rose to be the first to speak.

“You are shitting me. You were a virgin!”

I kicked her under the table. “Why don’t you go announce it to the town!” I said in a whispered shout.

“Did he know?” Lily asked.