The girls rushed over to a hot chocolate bar that had everything you could imagine. Marshmallows to whipped cream, candies to cinnamon sticks.

Ally picked up the can of cream and made her way over to me. “Open up for some cream.”

I just stared at her for a second. “No, thanks, I’m not a fan of fake stuff.”

The look on her face was murderous, but she forced a smile and shrugged. “Your loss.”

Since this had turned into a group date, Travis and Jack decided to change the rules again, so I could eliminate up to two women. Ally would be the first to go.

After a grueling half hour of hanging out with everyone, Jack wrapped up the shoot. The girls would return to the house and talk about the date together, and if any of them wanted to swipe left, they’d be allowed to head into the Truth Booth. Since it wasn’t a one-on-one date, however, none of them could swipe right. They’d have to wait and view my recap to learn who was allowed to stay.

Paul loaded up his gear, and he and Louie got into the limo with me to head back to my place. Kipton was filming the wrap-up of the group date.

Once back at the house, I grabbed a beer and wanted to offer one to Paul and Louie, but knew that wouldn’t go over well, especially with a fucking camera in my kitchen.

“Time to do the Truth Booth, Hunter,” Paul said with a smile.

“Right, the Truth Booth.”

I headed up to the loft, sat down in the chair, and stared at the camera. I knew I couldn’t cut Kimber now, thanks to Jack’s decision and the show’s need for drama. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t get rid of a couple others. When the light came on, I smiled and started to talk.

“Today’s group date was fun. I love snowmobiling on the ranch…but there were a few moments when I got to see another side of a few of the women. Unfortunately, I don’t feel like I have a connection with Ally or Vivian. And for that reason, I think I’m going to swipe left.” I lifted my beer and smiled.

From downstairs, I heard someone shout out, “Thank God, you got rid of Ally!”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Today had already been a long day. Now, after a meeting with wardrobe about upcoming outfits, I was dashing to the main barn on the ranch, where a group was setting up a hot chocolate bar. I could only imagine how the snowmobiling went. Of the women chosen, I hadn’t really pegged any of them for the type to enjoy it, but I could be pleasantly surprised.

Blayze and a few other guys were helping themselves to hot chocolate when I entered.

“They’re not back yet?” I asked, as I looked at the time on my phone. They needed to get things wrapped up soon if the editing team would have time to get the piece ready for airing on Friday. After the live date tomorrow, everyone was heading home for the short holiday break.

The sounds of the snowmobiles nearing was my answer. Blayze walked over and bumped my arm as he spoke in a lowered voice. “Hunter texted and said he wanted to chop his right arm off.”

I shouldn’t have enjoyed that so much, but I smiled.

Blayze laughed and shook his head before continuing toward his office. Once everyone was piled into the barn, the girls continued to flirt with Hunter. I had to give it to him, he handled it well. I think, had we not gotten together last weekend, I’d have been seething with jealousy right now. Instead, I felt completely at ease.

They filmed for another thirty minutes, then wrapped up the day.

It was my time to perform. Since we were only filming a super-short segment, I didn’t have an earpiece in. I held up a mic as the camera focused on me. Jack had also given me a quick rundown of how the date had gone so I could mention it.

“It sounds like our group had a chilly, fun time, if you don’t count the missing eyelash.” I winked. “If you head on over to our website, Hunter will be doing a Truth Booth to recap the date. And you can watch a live stream of the girls for an hour, from eight central to nine, as they recap their date. We here at Swipe Right want to wish you all Happy Holidays! We’ll see you on Wednesday. Stay safe and goodnight!”

The light went out, and I was cleared. When I turned around, Rose was leaning against one of the stalls toward the back of the barn. We didn’t film near the horses, but I was still impressed by how relaxed they were when the barn was filled with strangers. Most of them were turned out, but there were always one or two stalled up each time we’d filmed in their space.

“Why do you look like the Cheshire cat?”

Rose pushed off and made her way over to me. “Are you saying I’m about to do something that could get you into trouble?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“Nonsense. I’m only here to see if you want to spend some girl time with Lily and me. We have some last-minute Christmas shopping to do, and you need a date outfit.”

I raised a brow.