“What’s wrong with the shots?” Travis asked.

“Nothing, but they’ve been spending a lot of time in the hot tub, so we asked the ladies if they had a problem with us putting a camera out there. They said no.”

“Perfect. Maybe we should do a group date at the house and make it a hot tub party,” Travis stated, as he wrote something else on the paper in his hand.

It took everything in me not to yell out hell no.

Kipton kept a neutral expression on her face as she said, “Why don’t you make them have a bikini contest as well.”

Travis stared at Kipton, then laughed. “I’m sorry?”

“These are more than just beautiful women. I thought you wanted to be different from the other shows out there, yet you want to have a hot tub party at the house?”

Jack cleared his throat. “Should we not put a camera out there?”

Kipton turned to look at him. “I guess that would depend on how they feel about it. However, to suggest a group date in the hot tub seems cheesy. But what do I know? I’m just the host with the pretty face.”

Turning on her heels, Kipton walked out of the room with her head held high and a little bit more swagger in her step. I couldn’t help but lean back in my chair and smile.

Jack followed her out, and when Travis turned to look at me, I shrugged. He shook his head and said, “Tomorrow, I was thinking maybe we could take a few of the girls and go sledding and snowmobiling, with all this snow that’s coming down.”

“On the ranch?”

“If that’s okay with your father and brother.”

I nodded. “Should be fine.”

“Great, I’ll get it all planned out and we’ll air the footage Friday night.”

“Sounds good.”

“If one more girl screams, I’m going to lose my shit,” Paul mumbled to me as we stood off to the side while they took a break to fix Genevie’s jacket that tore open.

“You’re not the one having to ride on the snowmobiles with them. Those screams are even worse close-up.”

He chuckled as we listened in on Harper, the marketing manager, who seemed to be angling for a job. She was explaining a few ways the show could be marketed better. Jack, who’d thought it would be fun to come along today, looked like he was ready to turn and sprint for the trees.

Kimber did nothing but complain about how cold she was, which struck me as odd since she was from New York City and should be used to the snow.

Ally flirted nonstop with me every time she was near, and even attempted to kiss me, which caused me to take a step back and Ally to lose her balance. She face-planted in the snow, then spent ten minutes complaining while Tricia attempted to fix her makeup.

“The only ones not complaining are Devyn, Vivian, and Brina,” Paul noted.

I sighed as Jack got everyone’s attention. “We’re going to ride back to the barn, where there will be a hot chocolate station for everyone to get warm. Remember, the cameras are rolling!”

Some of the girls squealed with delight as I begrudgingly got back on the snowmobile. This time, Kimber was my passenger. As she walked up, she smiled. “Don’t be afraid to hold on tight to me.”

I gestured at the snowmobile. “You’re sitting behind me.”

She giggled. “Oh, then I’m gonna have to hold on tight to you.”

With the cameras rolling, all I could do was smile. When I glanced over to Jack, he gave me an expression that said he was amused but sorry at the same time. Kip and I had discussed over dinner last night at my parents’ house that we both got the impression Jack regretted this entire venture.

Or at the very least, regretted that Travis was part of it.

I climbed onto the snowmobile, followed by Kimber. Paul was sitting on another two-seater, with the two other cameramen on a third. I had no idea how Travis managed to get so many snowmobiles on such short notice, but I had to admit, I was having fun—minus all the complaining and having to constantly stop for a loose eyelash, lost hat, or broken nail.

Once we were back at the barn, I entered to see Kipton standing there, dressed in jeans, a sweater, and a sleeveless ski jacket. She looked gorgeous—and it took everything I had not to rush over and kiss her. Instead, I winked, and she rewarded me with the pink flush of her cheeks.