Her eyes slice to me, and she runs her hand down her dress. “Thank you, Rowan.”

Harley grips my hand again, giving me an approving glance, then speaks. “Yes, Tera, that’s a gorgeous dress.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a bitch,” Jewls announces bluntly.

I gasp, whirling my head to her. “Jewls!”

“What? That dress is killer and I’ll never wear that size again.”

“That’s her crass way of complimenting you,” Harley is quick to say. “She’s sensitive these days. Right, Julianna?”

“Of course, it’s a compliment. That outfit is hot.”

Tera’s lips split into a wide grin. “Thank you.”

“Okay, I’m off to wrangle rock stars and promote concerts.” Harley kisses my cheek, gives me one last meaningful glance, and waves her way to the door.

“I’m off to make sure my company remembers how fortunate they are to have me.” Jewls disappears down the hall to her bedroom.

“I’ve never quite met anyone like them,” Tera replies pensively.

“Aren’t they great?’

She pauses. “Yes, they are. I’m actually glad you’re here. Can we talk?”

“What’s up?” I notice her fidgeting and looking around.

“There’s a huge party this weekend, right?”


“I’ve heard amazing things about your salon. Is there any way you can fit me in today?”

“Are you wanting something special?”

“I’m ready for a change.”

So many women walk through my doors with this same sentiment for a variety of reasons. Some go through with it while others fall back into their comfort zone. The determination on her face indicates Tera’s motives are shaky.

“Haven’t you had a lot of changes in your life lately?”

“Living in Nashville is different than I imagined.”

“When I moved from Alabama, there was an adjustment period. It’s normal.”

“I guess, but I thought I’d be adjusting with my boyfriend’s support. When he broke it off…”

The sadness in her voice strikes a chord. I know first-hand what it’s like to have total upheaval in your life because of a man.

“Can you make it to the salon around two? My parents are driving in, so I cleared my afternoon. You’ll be my last appointment.”

Her smile lights up her face and she nods. “Thank you.”

The chime of the security system alerts us to motion on the street. I almost swallow my tongue at the sight of the four men jogging toward the house. Ford is front and center, shirtless and sweaty. He breaks off, heading to his side of the house with a finger flick to the others.

“See you this afternoon.” I excuse myself and practically run back to his room.