The job description and application instructions are listed below.

The document on the computer screen is like a neon flashing light, sucking me in.

What the hell?

Ford walks in from the bathroom with only a towel tied around his waist. My brain short-circuits and my stomach flutters in the familiar way. He’s healing well, but his skin is still discolored and angry.

Even wounded, he’s fucking hot.

Focus, Rowan! Don’t get distracted. My brain shoves my libido out of the way, reminding me.

“Are you taking a new position?”

He glances between me and the screen, his forehead crinkling. “Not sure yet.”

“Is it in the Department?”

“No.” He rumbles through the drawer, pulling out a pair of loose pants.

“Hayes Security has an opening?”


His curt, one-word answers grate my nerves, so I try a different approach.

“Why are looking for a new job?”

“Because the one I have almost got you killed.”

He delivers the answer so apathetically it takes me a full five seconds to register. “What did you say?”

“You heard me.”

I pride myself on my chill.

Or at least I did until I was romantically rejected—then swooped off my feet by the man I’m marrying. Maybe these last few months have brought out a few emotional episodes, but calm under pressure was my motto.

In this moment, there is no chill or calm. It’s a wonder the roof doesn’t explode when I jump on the bed and erupt, “What did you say?”

His head whips in my direction, his eyes darkening. “My last job almost got you killed.”

“You’re leaving your career because of me? Are you delusional?”

“No, I’m fucking pissed. Someone took you, intending to harm you because of my job. Not putting you in that position again,” he lashes back, his anger spiking.

“You are not quitting because of me!” I screech at the top of my lungs.

“Cool it, Rowan.”

Cool it! Cool it! Did he just say that to me?

“I’m not marrying a Security Analyst.”

He shrugs callously. “I’ll find something else, then.”

Is it possible for one’s skull to explode?

“Ford Whitman, you are not quitting your job. You’re a cop until you move to SWAT. Then you’ll spend your days and nights saving the city and come home to me.”