“Normally, I’d go with the flow, sleep with him until we both got it out of our systems, and then move on. But with him, it’s different.”
Oh my God! Shayla has a big-time crush!
“Shayla, don’t blow your cool, but have you ever had a crush on a man before?”
Her eyebrows shoot up and she looks at me as if I have four heads. “Of course.”
“Not a guy, but a man?”
Her nose crinkles, and she stalls for a second. “I’ve dated men, Rowan.”
“But successful, wealthy, worldly, incredibly hot, and sexy men?”
I throw the sexy in to check her response.
“Well, not the complete package.”
“Have you spoken to him since you went out?”
“Every day. Three dates and the man in under my skin.”
A sense of déjà vu hits, and I try to pose my question thoughtfully.
“Has he said anything about your jobs or living situation?”
“No! He loves talking about my life. He even came and helped me close up the other night before our dinner. Then, afterward, he insisted on following me back home—to my parents’ house—to make sure I was safe.”
Aww, my heart pitters at this.
“And no, we haven’t slept together, but he has an intensity that has my blood scorching from just his kisses.”
Looks like she’s been holding back some critical information.
“Then let me educate you.” A sense of empowerment comes over me, knowing this may be the first time I have good advice to give.
“Craig considered me a cosmetologist. He never considered the back-breaking work it took to get my business up and running. Once, he saw my cosmetology certificate and immediately jumped in on his four-year business degree.”
Anger fills her features, and she squeezes my hand to the point of pain. “Craig was a world-class asshat who deserves to rot in jail.”
“This is true, and even though I was college educated, he considered himself superior. He never loved to hear me talk about my life. In all the time we dated, he didn’t help me close this salon once.”
“Once again, he’s—” I tap my finger on her lips, not wanting a tirade.
“Ford is the most successful, wealthy, worldly, sexiest man in my life. I was living in a studio above my salon, everything was topsy-turvy, and I had little stability.”
“Rowan,” she starts, but I continue.
“I know little about Collin, but he seemed like a great guy. Three dates and an escort back to your parents’ house doesn’t say he’s superficial or looking for sex only.”
“Why do I care?” She blows a breath to the ceiling.
“Because he has the potential to be a good guy, and you’re interested in pursuing it.”
“Why, oh why? I’m happy slinging drinks at night and schmoozing with biddies.” Her attitude shifts back to the woman I know.
“Speaking of schmoozing, I noticed you only mentioned two part-time jobs.”
“Yeah, I gave notice at the online position. My brain was bleeding every time I switched on that computer.”