“They could taste like cardboard and still not ruin this.”

“A bike ride at sunrise is all it takes?”

“More about the company than the activity.”

His hand threads through my hair and he presses a hard kiss to my lips. “Inside now.”

He guides me into the house. “It’s uncannily quiet in here. This place is always alive with activity.”

“Enjoy it while you can. It will liven up in a while.”

He lifts me effortlessly onto the counter and gets busy pulling ingredients. “Can I help?”

“You can sit there and tell me more about your product line.”

When we left the studio last night, he only had one thing to say about the news I dropped on him.

Love the fact that you trust me enough to share this part of your life, Rowan.

He flashed me a grin that shot straight to my core, taking my hand in his. For the remainder of the ride, I basked in happiness, knowing I’d made the right decision to share with him. It also helped take my mind off the fact that I was spending the rest of the weekend with him for the first time as a couple.

Once we got here, it wasn’t exactly a quiet night at home. Jewls’ pregnancy cravings took a turn toward Asian, and she had a feast cooking. She’d invited her old neighbors, Ronnie, Janice, and Bea.

These women are in their late sixties and hold the title ‘trio of terror’. They’re unapologetically nosy and nutty, but their love for Jewls runs deep and they equally adore all the guys.

Ace, Harley, and Talon rounded out the crew, and it turned into another crazy night at the club.

Tera made an appearance, accepting the invite to eat with us. I know what it feels like to be the odd person out, so I attempted to include her in the conversation, remembering the circumstances of her moving here. She talked openly about her new position and the people she was meeting. When the topic of her move came up, she shut down.

Harley offered to show her around the surrounding area of her new apartment complex. Tera thanked her but didn’t commit.

The conversation bounced around and a calmness settled over me. I’d held myself back for so long, and it felt wonderful to be a part of it.

It could have been the endless glasses of wine, the delicious food, or the comfort of being around people who were like family, but I shared the decision to sell my house.

The silence that followed sent a chill down my spine until Jewls catcalled so loud I jumped in my seat. All shared her sentiment.

Ford lifted me right out of my chair and into his lap, kissing me sweetly in front of everyone.

All was right in my world.

After dinner, Tera disappeared and the trio went home. We all settled in the living room, and within five minutes, Jewls passed out partially on top of Major.

I kept stealing glances their way, noting the way his arm snaked around her back and hand cradled her stomach protectively. She’d make a little noise every once in a while, and he’d kiss the top of her head. He watched the movie, drinking his beer like a man who had no cares in the world. It was intimate and beautiful at the same time.

“Rowan?” Ford’s face pops into my line of sight, breaking through the daze. “We don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready.”

Not ready? It takes a few seconds for his request to come back to me, and I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. Sorry, I was in la-la land. It happens sometimes.”

“Daydreaming about anything specific?” He nudges between my knees.

“Yeah, someone very specific.” I wrap my arms around his neck, him taking all my attention. “I think we forgot something important this morning.”

“What’s that?”

Confidence surges through me at the glint in his eyes. My lips skim across his softly. “My morning kiss.”

The sound of metal clinks on the counter as his hands fist in my hair. He angles my head, sealing his mouth over mine. Our tongues tangle together, him taking control immediately. I dissolve, a low moan escaping.