Every man is watching her for signs of distress.

Hotch may have griped about all the decorating, but I’d catch the way he looked at her when she wasn’t paying attention.

Exactly like he’s doing now.

“I’ve got her.”

His troubled gaze comes to me. “I’m counting on it. Hardest thing I’ve ever done is hand that responsibility to you.”

“She’s my world.”

“Heard you’re taking this hard.”

“Not my first fight.”

“You quitting your job?”

“Not anymore. Staying on with Hayes for a little longer, then transitioning back to Metro.”

“I know you have a will of steel, but my girl wants to take care of you. Think you can lower that armor and let her?”

I glance over my shoulder at the kitchen. Rowan has a plate with a massive piece of cake and is opening a beer. All for me.

Warmth spreads through my chest, settling deep.

“Yeah, I can do that.”

He jerks his chin, appreciation shining in his eye. “You’ll do.”

Rowan hands me my beer, moving to sit before I tag her around the waist. She lands in my lap with a wobbly plop, the cake almost tumbling.

“Ford, be careful.”

“I wanted you in my lap.”

“You’re still injured.”

“I’m not too injured to have your sweet ass wiggling on my dick,” I whisper, pulling her earlobe through my teeth.

She shudders, elbowing me. “Stop and eat your cake.”

“This all for me?”


“Baby, I can’t work out for another week. Not sure this body can process this much sugar at once.”

“It’s too much?”

Hotch shoots me a glare that speaks for itself. Eat the fucking cake.

“I’m teasing.”

She relaxes, swiping her finger through the icing and sucking it off her finger. My dick twitches and her eyes grow wide.

‘Behave’ she mouths.

“Not my fault.”