
“The guys will be here soon. Until then, you stick close and trust me.”

I hold his hand like a lifeline, absorbing the little comfort it gives me.

Don’t panic… Think…

Does Ford know we’re here? Is he being beaten and tortured?

Does anyone know we’re missing?

Talon said the guys will be here soon. What guys?

He was scheduled to work all night… Surely, Robbie will get curious.

His breathing evens and I count his breaths to keep distracted.

No telling how long we stay like this; the minutes bleed together as I try to keep my anxiety at bay.

The heavy footsteps return, the lock clicks, and this time the room floods with bright florescent light. It takes a few blinks to focus.

Kent Wallace’s evil grin makes my skin crawl. “Your boyfriend needs some motivation.”

“Talon requires medical attention.”

“Indeed, he does. Maybe he and Whitman can share a room.”

My stomach and chest seize and I fight back my cry.

“You can come willingly or forcefully. Your choice.”

It’s an impossible choice. I don’t want to leave Talon, but Ford is somewhere needing me.

“Go, Hollywood. I’m good,” Talon croaks.

“There is a reason no one has touched you, Rowan. Don’t make a liar out of me.”

“Take me to Ford.” I kiss Talon’s hand before releasing it.

Kent grins again, this time with arrogant victory.

I memorize everything on our way. The number of steps, color of the walls, the rooms we pass. Everything that will help get us back to Talon.

Nothing could prepare me for what happens next.

A blood-curdling, ear-piercing scream singes my throat at the sight of Ford. He’s hanging from a beam, his neck drooping forward, blood falling in a steady steam to the floor. They stripped his shirt—welts, bruises, and gashes cover his abdomen. The beautiful tattoo slashed in the middle.

My scream brings his head up and my heart stops.

The gorgeous hazel eyes that fill my dreams are black and deadly. His face is savage hatred aimed at the two men in front of him.

One of them holds a rod with metal spikes that explains the gashes.

His eyes come to me. “Why is she bleeding?”

“It’s not mine,” I rush to assure him.

“Told you we didn’t touch her,” Kent crows, walking in a circle around me. “How we proceed is up to you.”