My eyes slice his way, and I want to swipe the arrogant grin off his face.

“Call her. She’s obviously still up.”

Before I can respond, my phone rings, the display lighting with an unknown number.

“Whitman,” I answer.

“F-F-Ford?” A teary voice sounds through the truck.

“Who is this?” I glance at Talon, who’s on alert.

“It’s, it’s….” deep breath, “Tera… it’s me…. T-t-tera,” she stutters, her voice cracking again.

“Tera? Tera Sails?” My spine straightens, ice running through my veins. “Are Carson and Addie okay?”

My sisters’ faces race through my mind. Why the hell is their high school friend calling me?

“Yes, please don’t be mad. They gave me your number.” She hiccups.

“Tera, what’s wrong?”

“I’ve really messed up and they said you may be able to help.”

Talon raises his eyebrows, looking for answers.

I shrug, not sure why in the hell my sisters would give her my number, but knowing they’d only do so if things were bad.

“Tera, are you okay?”

“I’m a stupid dimwit who fell for a conman!” She wails again, this time sobs echoing around the cab of the truck. “I know this is out of the blue, but I wouldn’t call if it wasn’t dire.”

My shoulders tense again, this time because whatever is happening is bound to be full of drama.

I don’t do drama.

Especially bullshit drama that comes from a spoiled little rich girl who pitched fits when she didn’t get her way.

Using the word ‘dire’ doesn’t bode well.

I grew up with two overly dramatic sisters and learned early on to smooth things over and make way for further issues.

“Tera, tell me what’s happening.” I settle in to listen, my eyes locking on the second-story window and thinking of the woman upstairs.

“Shots! Shots! Shots!” the chant grows louder, and I turn in time to watch the four heavily tattooed rockers shoot back tequila.

None of them flinch, slamming their glasses down.

“The rockers are impressive. If they keep this up, they’ll be too blitzed to understand a good ass-kicking.” Talon rubs his hands together. “Oh, the anticipation of victory.”

“It’s only an ass-whipping once they’ve had their chance to compete. Which isn’t for months.”

“They’ll concede after they see what we have planned.”

“We’ll see. You ready for this?”

“Born ready. I’ll grab Ace and Major and meet you in the front.”

He flashes me a grin and heads to the outdoor kitchen, where the crowd is growing rowdier by the second.