“Maybe soon. I’m too jazzed.”

“Time to spill before she springs through the roof,” Ford mutters.

Ace holds up a hand. “Better wait.”

The signal from the security chirps, a caravan of cars coming up the road.

“What in the world?” I glimpse around, baffled.

“No one wanted to miss this, so they followed us from the event,” Harley explains.

One by one, people file in the door.

Raven, Declan, Robbie, Ember, Finn, Presley, Charlie, Blake, Ginger, Shayla, Nate, and Cooper all fill the living room, looking every bit the rockstar-slash-supermodel crew.

“Cass, hide the cake!” Dad hollers, bringing me out of my daze.


“Don’t worry, I knew enough to make more,” Mom assures him.

“It’s Monday night,” I rasp.

They all stare at me.

A lump forms in my throat and my eyes sting.

“You guys have kids, jobs, obligations, and yet you’re here.”

“We also have babysitters and flexibility. This is important and exciting,” Ember replies.

“Tell us everything,” Harley urges.

I take a deep breath and unload the last few days’ worth of meetings, facility tours, and product testing. With each word, my voice takes on a dreamy tone.

“… Todd, his team, and I will work together to get the first batches ready. It all went perfectly.”

At the mention of Todd, Ford grumbles loud enough for others to hear.

“Who’s Todd?” Major asks with an arched eyebrow.

“He’s the project lead and my go-to contact. We’ll be working closely.”

“How close?” This time, the question is aimed at Ford.

Dad’s howl of laughter causes me to jump.

“Nothing funny.” Ford shoots him a dirty look.

“Son, you made your point clear today. Don’t think that man has a death wish.”

“What happened?” Jewls chirps.

“Ford acted like a Neanderthal over a man who is clearly not interested.”

“He was interested,” he amends.

“Remember how I said it all went perfectly?”