“Fuck that shit,” Finn hisses. “Let Metro deal.”

“My thoughts, too. But there is the question of who gets the credit.”

We all share a look. After the last debacle, our participation in this operation is undisclosed. James is the face of Hayes Security, taking all the credit.

Like Ace, we’re all action men, but working autonomously has its perks.

“I say give it to ATF this time. Let that fucker analyst squirm, knowing we cut him out of the intel. Maybe he’ll lead us to who’s pulling the strings,” Major offers his opinion.

“Agreed?” Robbie glances at us for confirmation.

“Agreed,” we chorus.

“Alright, good job, men. Go home to your families.”

The call ends and we all wait for Robbie’s instruction.

“You heard him. Time to go.” Robbie shuts down the equipment, the screen on the wall going black and the machines silenced. “We’ll reconvene when there’s more information. Dad will get us the intel. There’s your silver lining, Kingston. Behind the scenes means a lot less headaches and no dealing with the press.”

Ace cracks a grin, jerking his chin. “I stand corrected.”

We pile out of the back room and make our way through the offices to the parking garage.

“Anyone want a drink?” Robbie stops by his SUV. “I’m buying.”

“What happened to getting home to family?” Ace asks.

“Ember and the kids were in bed hours ago. As soon as the sun goes down, her switch goes off.”

“Jewls too. I’m in,” Major adds.

“Me too. Harley was up before dawn. She’s out.”

“Presley and Winnie are having a movie night. I’m definitely up for a drink.” Finn joins.

“I’m always up for a beer. Especially if the bossman is paying.” Talon wiggles his eyebrows.

“I’m out.”

Smirks spread across their faces.

“Don’t want to hear it from any of you.” I gesture to everyone except Talon.

“Not saying a word. Been there before. All of us were new at some point.” Finn's smile widens. “Although Presley never lived with two other guys. Still not sure how you let that happen.”

I don’t give him the satisfaction of getting to me. “Nothing to do with that. In about twelve hours, Hotch and Cassie will be in my house.”

“Man, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’d sleep with one eye open if Hotch was in my house while I was sleeping with his daughter.”

“Hell yes. And that’s saying a lot, considering my father-in-law was in prison when I met him the first time with Ember.” Robbie shakes his head. “Hotch has Thad beat.”

“Hotch and I have a mutual understanding,” I inform them.

“Good luck.” Finn wishes. “Let us know if you need anything.”

“Appreciate it.” I flick a half wave, heading to my truck and shooting off a message to Rowan.

She responds immediately.