The two men just stared at each other, Keller not accepting the cue to walk away. I tipped back the last of the champagne and set my glass down.

“Really beautiful day for a wedding, isn’t it?” I said. “Oh, here come the appetizers! Who’s hungry?”

A server stopped and we all took fruit skewers and tiny sausages.

“Can we have the wedding party meet up outside?” the DJ asked. “It’s almost time for the bride and groom to make their first entrance as Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Grady!”

“Shall we?” Holt offered me his arm.

I took it and we walked away, Keller fuming at the man he’d partnered with to build the youth hockey arena.

This was one wedding reception that would not be boring.



I was done stealing the occasional glance at Shea. There was only one woman in this whole place I wanted to look at, and I wanted to look openly.

Even out on the dance floor doing the chicken dance with the other bridesmaids, she was glowing with happiness. This was the way she’d been on our weekend away—carefree and full of laughter.

Once again, I beat Keller to Shea when the song ended, giving her a questioning look. She smiled and put her arm around my neck, letting me pull her against me with an arm around her waist.

I really needed to tip the DJ for every slow song he played. Three to four minutes of having Shea in my arms, all to myself, was heaven on earth.

“Not a chicken dancer?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“Not when I can watch you chicken dance instead.”

She laughed. “I haven’t done that in years.”

“I think you’re incredible.”

She arched her brows in amusement. “At the chicken dance?”

“At everything.”

Her expression shifted, her gaze softening. “Likewise.”

“Shea, can I have a word?”

I looked over and found Keller looking at Shea. He had brass balls. I had to give him that.

“No,” I answered for her. “She’s busy.”

He gave me an irritated glance. “Why don’t you let her answer for herself?”

Business partner or not, he needed to back the fuck off. He was trying to buy Shea’s affection with his piles of money, and I wasn’t going to just stand back and let it happen.

Shea gave him an apologetic look. “I’ll catch up with you another time, okay?”

Keller nodded, not even looking at me again, before walking away. I pulled Shea closer, her chest against mine and her head against my shoulder.

When the song ended, the DJ announced that Avon was going to throw her bouquet before she and Grady left to spend their wedding night at a secluded cabin about an hour from the Beard. They were flying to Hawaii tomorrow for a weeklong honeymoon.

Once all the single women had lined up, Avon tossed her bouquet, which Carmen lunged for. Shea met my eyes and shrugged.

After we said our goodbyes to Grady and Avon, I leaned in and spoke in Shea’s ear.