But the time I’d spent with Holt was the longest I’d gone without thinking about work in a very long time, and it felt good.

I’d go home to my little bungalow on Main Street alone later tonight. But until then, I was going to enjoy myself and let my worries catch up with me tomorrow.



“My man!” Grady called out as he approached me in the lobby of The Sleepy Moose.

I stood and shook his outstretched hand, unsure what he was doing here. Marley was doing a bug-catching day camp for kids staying at The Moose, and Spencer was helping Shea in the kitchen. I was using the few hours of alone time to catch up on emails at a quiet little nook on one end of the lobby.

“You’re on Team Grady!” my friend said, still pumping my hand. “For the showdown! We’re gonna dominate!”

“Oh.” I grinned, his enthusiasm contagious. “Hey, let’s do it.”

“I assume you can train anytime?”


“Yeah, we’re not taking any chances. The events are archery, ring toss, pole climb, an obstacle course and rowing.”

I ran my hand over my face, where my beard was getting long and thick enough for a trim.

“Okay, and who are we doing this with?”

He put both hands on my shoulders. “We didn’t get Georgette. It’s in the bag.”

“Okay,” I said, not really understanding what he meant. “Well, I have my kids, but if I know in advance, I can drop them at my parents’ house when I need to...uh, train.”

“Excellent. I was thinking we could put the trophy at the hockey complex instead of the police station. That way, more people will see it.”

“Sure.” I scratched my head. “So we’re guaranteed to win, but we’re still going to train?”

“That’s right. You never know. Georgette could drop out between now and showdown day. We have to be prepared.”

“Sure, buddy. Whatever you need from me.”

He was about to respond when he stopped to listen to a voice on his police radio.

“Damn, I have to go,” he said. “I’ll get a training schedule together later.”

“Looking forward to it,” I said, sitting back down.

He was walking toward the door when he turned around and walked back to me.

“Hey, do you want to be one of my groomsmen?”

I arched my brows, surprised. “Sure, I’d love to.”

“Great. We already have six bridesmaids and six groomsmen, but it feels like you should be there, so Avon’s going to ask someone else to keep the numbers even. I mean, I would have asked sooner, but I didn’t know you all that well, and with working on the complex...” He shrugged. “I just have a feeling we’re going to stay great friends.”

“Me too, man. Thanks for asking me. I’d be honored to stand up there with you.”

He looked away for a second and then back at me. “There is one thing I need from you, though.”

I grinned. “You want me to throw you a bachelor party?”

“Nope, Coulter’s the best man and he’s got that covered. Your ass better be there. The thing I need is for you to stay away from my sister.”