Keller nodded. “People who have already paid in full for a year just to hold their kids’ spots.”

“Our current facility is way over capacity,” Grady said. “We have people signing up their newborn babies to start peewee hockey when they turn four. We’re the only town in a two-hour radius that has a decent program.”

Grady and I would be coaching at the new facility, and I couldn’t wait to get started. I’d have plenty of time to finish my house and settle in before the arena was done. But I was far from ready to stop working altogether. Since I couldn’t fulfill the demanding travel schedule of being a player, I’d be doing the next best thing with coaching.

“Your fiancée doesn’t mind you being gone a couple evenings a week?” I asked Grady.

“Not at all. She has to cover city council and school board meetings some evenings, so I’m planning to coach on those nights. And she likes watching the games.”

When Grady and I had played football together, he’d been pretty intense. He took his sports very seriously. I was sure he was the same way as a coach.

“Now that you’re here, I need you to take over as project manager on the complex,” Keller said. “I’ve had one of my employees doing it, but she’s eager to get back home to New York.”

“Sure, I can do that.”

“You’ll also need to join the business bureau as soon as possible,” Grady said, his expression serious. “Join at the gold level, I don’t want to hear any bitching about how much it costs.”

Keller grinned. “I already did that, Grady, and I’m sure you can count on Holt for the showdown.”

I looked between the two of them, confused. “The what?”

“The Summer Showdown,” Grady said. “We have one every winter and every summer, and the teams are made up of representatives from the gold-level supporters of the business bureau.”

“I think I remember this,” I said. “It’s the obstacle course thing, right?”

“Yep. I’m taking that trophy back next month.”

“I’ll help out however I can.”

“Just be a beast if you’re on my team, and break your foot or something if you get on the other team.”

Grady reminded me of one of my teammates in Minneapolis. Intense, but funny as hell.

Since I was starting all over here, I was glad to have friends to return to. Raising two kids on my own, I’d need them.



I was fit to be tied. After making it from my office near the kitchen to the other side of the resort in record time, I stopped Caden Hawke outside the door to his office with just a look.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Not really. I just got the notification that you added back-to-back dinners in the private dining room Tuesday night.”

He nodded and opened the door to his office. “Why don’t we discuss that in here?”

Caden was the resort manager, meaning he was technically my boss. He told me how many people I could hire, but I chose who those people would be. He approved my budgets and requests for equipment, which was usually just a technicality. He also didn’t mess with my schedule for events in the private dining hall.


As soon as we were both inside and he’d closed the door, I reminded Caden of the conversation we had a few weeks ago.

“Hey, you said you wouldn’t add events to the dining schedule without asking me first.”

He gave me an apologetic look. “I didn’t ask because I knew you’d say no, and these dinners are both nonnegotiable.”

I scoffed. “I get that you want to make things happen for guests when they ask, but I can’t prep and serve the main dinner plus two others at the same time. I just don’t have the manpower.”