The adorable necromancer stared up at him for a second, his lips parted as if begging to be kissed. “Really?”

Nolan nodded. “Yes, you’re too tired to drive safely; plus it will give you a chance to work through all the messages on your phone. I’m sure Mad, Red, and Moon are all wondering what the hell is going on.”

He would also sleep easier knowing Sky was there to keep the dead in their graves.

Chapter 3

Skylar Wallace

“How bad is it?” Nolan inquired after Sky had been scrolling on his phone and replying to his friends for several minutes in silence.

Seriously, Sky could not express how amazing this man was. Not only had he been waiting with the car running when Sky emerged from his house, but he’d even had two travel mugs of coffee for them.

After agreeing to head to the graveyard where they’d met up with Owen, Nolan drove the car, allowing Sky to work in comfortable silence.

“Well…” Sky began and huffed. “Mad and Red have lost their minds freaking out. Moon is calmer, but he’s still in Boston, which hasn’t been affected by whatever this is. He’s on his way back now and has promised to help. I’ve told them I had nothing to do with this, and we’re going to investigate. Both Mad and Red are watching their chat groups and witch forums for any hints of who might have done this or what’s happening.”

But that was just part of the problem.

“What about the humans?”

Sky’s shoulders slumped, and he stared at his phone until the screen went black. That was a huge problem. The humans were freaking out. He’d skimmed the various news outlets and social media posts before closing all of them. Humanity was freaking the fuck out.

With good reason.

Average, non-magical Tom, Dick, and Janet didn’t know magic was real. They had no idea creatures such as vampires, shifters, and witches were real. They didn’t believe in magic.

That meant that what people believed was falling into one of three categories:

This was a big prank by a shit-ton of asshole kids.

Magic was real, and someone was raising the dead.

It was the end of the world. Time of the rapture. God was pissed, and the devil was coming for all the sinners.

The first one was ridiculous but the most harmless. The third option scared the crap out of him. Not because he believed it, but because he was terrified of the people who did believe it.

The second one was scary, too. Only on a smaller scale. He was afraid of all the bad things that could happen if someone forced all the magical creatures of the world to come out. It already worked so well for the gay community. They were making strides forward.

Now humanity would have a new group to fear and hate.

“Sky?” Nolan prodded, pulling him from his dark maelstrom of thoughts.

“Sorry.” Sky shook his head hard to dislodge the rest of those bleak shadows. “Humans aren’t handling this well. They’re scared and confused. A good chunk are in denial, and I hope they stay there. How are you doing? You seem…strangely calm about this.” Sky narrowed his eyes at his driver. Did Nolan seem too calm?

The sexy man winked at him, turning his head to the road. It was unfair that Nolan was looking so collected and sexy. He was in a pair of jeans and a plain black T-shirt. His hair appeared washed and styled, even if it was windblown now thanks to the car windows being down. Nolan had probably even gotten at least six hours of sleep. Bastard.

Nolan lifted one hand from the steering wheel and extended a finger for each item he ticked off. “Vampire made me a pet. My neighbor is a necromancer who pays underworld minions with sandwiches. I met a witch who turned himself and his whole house purple with a fungus. I met another witch who turned his ex-boyfriend into a pig. And I’ve seen humans turn into wolves.” He stopped and chuckled. “And that was all in less than a month. This is just another day in my life now.”

Sky grabbed his to-go mug of coffee and drained half of it. Nolan had even learned how to doctor his coffee. He needed to fucking marry this man before someone else snatched him up.

“Wait a minute!” Sky gasped as soon as he swallowed a mouthful of coffee. “You’re putting all of this in a book, aren’t you?”

That evil author grinned. He actually grinned at him. “Would you hate me if I did?”

“I won’t if you promise to name one of your characters after me.”

Nolan barked out a laugh and slapped his palm on the steering wheel. “The hero, right?”