Ness, the woman who had been the only person alive to know the true extent of my gifts.
Ness, the woman who had embarrassed me with crummy lines and sarcastic jokes more times than I could count.
Ness, the woman who had become the truest rock I could rely on.
But as I searched through my memories, I realized one thing: I had always been able to rely on her, but had she ever truly been able to rely on me?
I, who had gotten her killed when we were twelve.
I, who had chosen where I wanted to intern, forced her to stay with me or go on her own.
I, who had treated her like a battery every time I had been dumb enough to deplete my void.
I, who had planned to run, knowing full well Ness would want to stay with the guilds.
I, who had always taken her loyalty for granted, who hadn’t once considered her future in all the times I had planned my own.
I, who had been so selfish to keep her in the shadows of abnormalities. Who had curbed her future by treating her more like a sidekick than a partner.
But this was her time to shine. Her time to earn her place in the world without worrying about keeping her screwed up friend with freaky powers alive.
This was her chance to go on to become a Sentori, just as she’d always dreamed.
And Gods I hoped she did.
“I could never be disappointed in you. This is what you’ve always dreamed of. This is your chance. Your time,” I said, fighting back the sadness that threatened to choke me. “I love you.”
Ness sniffled, taking in deep ragged breaths before continuing. “I love you too. I always have. I always will.”
“And this doesn’t have to be goodbye you know? It sounds like Marik has a new phone for me, we can stay in touch.”
Ness snorted. “As long as you don’t break it. There’s a reason I never took that piece of shit Nokia away from you: those things are unbreakable.”
I laughed through the tears clouding the corner of my eyes. So, sue me, I was a crier.
“And if things ever go seriously south, we still have backup plans,” she said.
“The shifters?” I asked skeptically.
“Nah, cannibal carryout. Where your ex is always on the menu.”
I laughed so hard that I let out my inner pig.
“Ambassador Covina,” Sister Hesta called as she dashed down the steps of the keep to approach Felix, who sat perched on the edge of the water feature waiting for Drew to collect their car.
“Sister?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the flustered old woman. “May I help you?”
“I just heard you intend to leave immediately.”
“Yes, is there a problem?”
The woman huffed indignantly. “I must ensure all female graduates receive their mandatory birth control shot before leaving. Miss Ryans has not reported for her medical assessment or shot yet, but you still intend on taking her?”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary.” Felix replied, dismissing the woman with a wave of his hand.