“I’m not there to fuck you, bro. But I’ll be damned if I pass up the chance to see her go.”
I’d kill him, if he were a little closer. Maim him, if I weren’t already secure in the knowledge that he’s sick and Minka is loyal. “New York is the last place I’d bring her, Lix. Are you done using me as an alibi yet?”
“Whatttt?” He pushes his voice higher, faux offended, and brings a smile to my lips. “How dare you make such an outlandish accusation? I’m enjoying my coffee and a croissant. Is that a crime?”
“In a restaurant?” I push. “In public?”
“Of course.” Adding credence to his story, he actually sips a drink. “In public. That’s where we get security footage of a man’s whereabouts.”
“Mmhm. It’s awfully quiet on your end of the call for a man supposedly sitting in a public place.”
He chuckles low and dangerous in the back of his throat. “Pedro’s napping. I have ten minutes to myself while he recuperates. And so, I thought, ‘hell, I should call my little brother before the next round.’”
“Wait.” I push up on the couch and startle Minka so she groans in her sleep. “Pedro’s alive? You’re currently,activelykilling a man?”
“No. I already told you he’s napping.” He sniggers, cruel and taunting. “It’s kind of me, I think, to allow a piece-of-shit due-dodger to get some rest. But he’ll wake soon, and we’ll continue. I’m gonna hang up now, though.” I hear him move, picturing in my mind how he pushes to his feet. “This call has gone on long enough. Alibis have been established, and you’re getting a little antsy, anyway.”
“Pedro.” The sound of a hand slapping a man’s cheek ricochets through the phone so I jump. “Wake up, asshole.”
“No…” Pedro moans and sends shots of electricity straight to the base of my stomach. “No more.” His voice is garbled. Pained.Perhaps there are a few missing teeth,just like my current case. “No more, please.”
“Felix! I’m a cop! I can’t listen to—”
“See ya, Arch.”
He kills the call and locks me out, but not before he makes damn sure I know I’m his alibi.
Family comes before the law. Always. That mantra has been beaten into us, quite literally, since infancy. So even when we were estranged, I left the Malones alone, allowing them to run their empire in New York City while I minded my business in Copeland. Even when I hated them, I didn’t narc.
And fuck thenew managementfor knowing I’ll keep my mouth shut.
Stunned at my own carelessness, I whip my gaze to Minka’s sleepy face, her eyes barely slit open and watching me in confusion.
“Nothing.” I toss my phone to the couch cushions and gently push her feet off my lap. But then I scoop her into my arms and stand with a grunt, pulling her up until her head rests on my shoulder and her bad arm dangles the way it really shouldn’t. “It’s time for bed.” I press a kiss to her forehead and leave the television running, and striding past the cat, I head down the hall and into our bedroom at the end.
Leaving the light off and moving through shadows, I head to Minka’s side of the bed and gently lay her down. “Do you need pain relief?” I fix her blankets and tuck her in, work clothes and all, even though they smell, just a little bit, like sanitizer and dead people. “Baby?” I brush hair off her face and crouch down to be on her level. “Do you need pain relief before sleep?”
“No.” She drops her lips forward in a pout and places her good hand beneath her cheek. “Are you coming to bed?”
“Yep.” I adjust her pillow to make sure she’s comfortable, but she’s already out. And it’s only just after seven. “I’ll come to bed soon,” I whisper.
Pushing up to stand and heading into the bathroom in the hall, I fill a glass with water and grab a pain pill on my way out, then I come back to our room to find Chloe curled up on the bed, her snowy white fur standing out in the darkness as she rests in the hollow of Minka’s bent legs.
The cat makes out that she hates Minka, and Minka returns the exact same sentiments. But when no one is watching and one of them thinks they can get away with it, they gravitate closer and provide comfort.
Whatever happens in the dark stays in the dark.
Or something like that.
“Don’t wake her up, okay?” I set the pill and water on the bedside table for Minka to find when she wakes, then reaching across, I scratch behind Chloe’s ear, and grin when she purrs. “Keep your claws in, and don’t be noisy. She needs her rest.”