Page 5 of Saving You

“You love it when I praise you, kitten. At least you did this morning in the shower.”

“Aww,” Jesse cooed like she was watching some real Jane Austin shit play out in front of her.

Sam pulled one arm out of his hold and smacked him on the side of the head with the sandwich. He followed her down the hall, their shouts growing quiet with a slammed door.

“They have the weirdest relationship, but it’s somehow still really sweet,” Jesse stated and I grunted in agreement. I’d had a front row seat to the Roe and Sam show over the years, this was actually pretty tame for them.

“What are we looking at?” I kept my eyes forward while Jesse peered right and left down the street. “Is this a stakeout? Is somebody stealing Gemma’s eucalyptus stems again?” Jesse bounced on her toes, way too excited for something as boring as flower theft.

Since Jesse had started working here, she’d asked a million questions about past and current cases. I had a feeling she was one of those true crime junkies that watched too many Netflix specials.

“Thought I saw a friend of mine.” Mia and I weren’t friends, not even a little. We had a strict stalker, stalkee relationship. Somehow, I didn’t think Jesse would be so understanding if I delved into the semantics.

“Oh,” her shoulders dropped in disappointment and she shuffled back to her desk. Yup, definitely one of those crime nuts. I almost felt bad for the day when she found out most of our clients hired us because they suspected their spouse was cheating. Spoiler—said spouse was always cheating.

The rain let up just as Mia and Gemma came back into the main part of the store. After shaking hands, Mia walked out of the store and made it to the awning in front of the dentist office before she stopped, looked around and then did the cutest little celebration dance I’d ever seen. She spun in a circle and I got a great view of her ass wiggling in her wet pants before she stopped and fist pumped in the air.

My mouth pulled at the corner, the oddest feeling warming my insides. She was happy, that much was obvious from the dance and I longed to share in whatever had made her feel that way. Wanted to be the person she called and told her good news, to celebrate with her.

Mia disappeared around the corner and I was hollow once again. Walking to Jesse’s desk, I grabbed the sandwich she held out for me, ignoring the raised eyebrows and knowing smile. Muttering a thanks, I left reception and went straight to my office. I wanted to know what that meeting was about, and I had a few sources to tap. If there was one thing I was good at, it was finding out information about Mia Delgado.



Dropping off the check for table five, I had an extra bounce in my step as I made my way back to the bar to pick up drinks for table three.

“You seem happy today. Please tell me it’s because you hung up your granny panties and got laid.” Liz smacked my right ass cheek and I swatted it away with my tray. She threw back her head and laughed, catching the appreciative glances of a group of businessmen that had stopped by the bar for after-work drinks.

Liz was stunning. She looked just like Jessica Simpson with her tan skin, bigger than Texas blonde hair and short daisy dukes. She was wearing her red cowboy boots, the ones she said always got her the best tips because they drew men’s eyes to her long legs. If she wasn’t so amazing, I’d hate her.

“I don’t wear granny panties, thank you very much,” I hissed at her so the businessmen didn’t overhear. “I got a new job,” I dropped my voice even lower; this town was full of busy bodies.

“You’re leaving Brooks’?” She looked hurt and I mentally kicked myself for not choosing my words better. Of course, she’d assume that’s what I meant.

“No!” I practically shouted, heads turned our way and I lowered my voice again. “No, I love it here, Brooks is great.” He always let Miles hang out when Mrs. Gonzalez wasn’t feeling well. I’d never had a boss treat me as well as he did, at least not without expecting something in return.

“I got a part-time assistant job at Gemma’s shop during the day. I had to do something, Liz, or I was going to be short this month.”

Her lips turned down in understanding. Liz was a single mom, too, she had three kids and a real loser of an ex-husband who didn’t give her a dime in child support. She’d moved back in with her parents after the divorce. They were awesome, helped take care of the kids and Liz, too. Miles was close with her boys and they were as good as family.

She reached out, giving me a one-armed hug as she balanced her full tray on the palm of her other hand. “You need help, sugar?” The offer was kind and beyond generous considering she had her own worries. I may have even considered it if I hadn’t gotten the job working for Gemma.

“I’ll be okay. Thank you.” I hugged her back. Brooks was looking our way and when he jerked his head toward the tables, we broke apart and ran to deliver the drinks we’d picked up.

More customers flooded in and I hardly had a chance to breathe, let alone talk to Liz again. The bar was busy and tables were full, making it seem like all of Little Falls was here tonight. It happened when I was cashing out a ticket, I felt his eyes on me. My skin prickled with awareness and my stomach flipped over from nerves.

Clutching my server book in my sweaty hands, I turned my head to the side and my gaze went straight to his table. His stare was bold, he never averted his eyes when I caught him watching, like he wanted me to know it was on purpose. Gage was alone tonight, it happened more frequently since his friends were all partnered up now. I often wondered if it made him lonely. It couldn’t be easy, watching everyone you know pair off one at a time until you were the only one left.

Squaring my shoulders, I headed his way. I shouldn’t be this nervous; it’s not like I stood outside his house and watched him every night. My smile felt strained; judging by the looks on my customers’ faces, it was closer to insane serial killer than friendly waitress. I couldn’t help it, my heart was racing and my palms were slick, no matter how many times I rubbed them on my jean shorts. Gage washereand he was calmly waiting for me.

When I arrived at his table, we stared at each other for a long moment, neither of us talking. God, those eyes were mesmerizing. I opened my mouth to deliver my usual speech, the same one he’d heard countless times. It was a comforting song and dance, I took his order, he barely talked and we both pretended like he wouldn’t be standing in my front yard in just a few hours.

“Why were you at Gemma’s shop today?” It caught me off guard, Gage didn’t ask me personal questions. The day he’d requested iced tea instead of water, I’d dropped my tray from the shock. His eyes were intent as he waited for me to answer.

“I was applying for a job,” I answered truthfully, chin in the air. I didn’t owe Gage anything, but it felt wrong to lie to him. I’d never been very good at it anyway, not until Miles came along at least.

“You’re leaving Brooks’?” He looked around the bar with that hawklike stare, as if there were a threat nearby that he could eliminate for me. A knight in shining armor, protecting the damsel in distress. I took in his black attire and menacing tattoos; he looked more like a villain than a hero. A twisting in my lower belly agreed, remembering my delicious dreams from last night.