Page 56 of Saving You

Now, I was mixing batter every morning and frying bacon with a huge smile on my face while I packed lunches for all of us.

Mia shuffled into the kitchen wearing that same see-through robe, bringing all kinds of dirty memories to mind. This time I could see the outline of a tank top and sleep shorts beneath which was for the best given we weren’t alone. My disappointment must have been showing because she stood on her tip toes and gave me a kiss with a knowing smile.

“Thanks for making breakfast. Anything I can do to help?”

“Nope, take a seat, angel.” She slipped into the chair next to Miles who’d already managed to scarf down two of the three pancakes on his plate.

After breakfast, I cleaned up our dishes while they got dressed and then we put Miles on the bus before driving to work. Mia still had the car I’d bought her, but most days it sat unused in the driveway. I liked driving her, it gave me peace of mind knowing she got to work safe. It had taken some convincing and a couple of orgasms before she’d agreed to the arrangement.

It’d been about an hour since I’d dropped her off and now I was sitting in my office attempting to do my least favorite part of my job, paperwork. I’d been staring at the same page for twenty minutes. I couldn’t help feeling like something was wrong. My skin felt itchy and my muscles were tight. I’d been bouncing my leg, trying to get rid of some of this nervous energy but it hadn’t worked at all.

I glanced at the clock, only two minutes had passed since the last time I’d checked. Too early for Mia’s lunch break and still an hour to go before I was meeting a new client. I was considering dragging Roe into the gym for a sparring session, when tires squealed outside followed by shattering glass.


My shoulder slammed into the wall outside my office as I sprinted for the front door. Every other member of Falls Security was headed in the same direction and as my office was the farthest back, my path was blocked.

“Move, damnit! Jesse!” Baz shouted as he grabbed Roe’s head in his big palm and pushed him out of the way.

When I finally cleared the hallway, the first thing I saw was broken glass. The window was gone and right in the middle of our normally tidy reception was a concrete block.

My gaze flew across the street to the unmarked van parked in front of the Gemma’s shop. There was a man in the driver’s seat, his hand drumming anxiously against the wheel as he craned his neck to look behind him.

The back doors to the van were open and two large men were attempting to drag a pair of pissed as hell women into the vehicle. My feet moved even as my heart dropped inside my chest.

I leapt through the shattered window, barely registering the jagged glass that shredded my pants and tore into my calf. The van was angled into the street blocking any cars from getting past.

Mia saw me coming and her terrified eyes met mine. She must have realized my intentions because she curved the fingers of her right hand into claws, digging them into the face of the asshole who had her trapped against his chest. His grip loosened as he grabbed his mangled cheek, giving Mia enough space to drop to the ground and roll out of the way.

Putting on a burst of speed, I leveled the mother fucker when my body collided with his. The man I’d become for Mia, for Miles, was completely gone. My vision turned red and the darkness inside of me lifted its head, roaring, demanding vengeance.

My fists flew, too fast for him to raise his hands and protect his face from the punishing blows. Punch, crack, his cheekbone gave beneath my knuckles. Slam, the satisfying crunch of his nose against my palm. He was unconscious after the first hit, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t enough. He needed to die for trying to take what was mine.

“Adam, stop.” Her voice broke through the haze that descended the moment I’d seen her in trouble. I raised my head slowly, fully prepared to see a look of disgust on her face for what I’d just done. She was trembling, bruises already forming on her delicate skin. The rage within me rose again at the sight but there was no one left to fight.

I’d been beyond brutal. Restraint had never been a strong suit of mine, not that I’d considered holding back. Mia had been in danger and I’d been overcome with the driving need to eliminate the threat.

Kane pulled me to my feet, my chest heaving from the combination of terror and exertion. The knuckles on both my hands were swollen and split and as the adrenaline wore off, they began to ache as well as the cut in my calf.

Mia released a sob and dove into my arms, replacing the rage with intense relief. She was okay, scared and bruised but nothing she couldn’t recover from. I held her as I surveyed the scene around us.

The driver must have fled when I’d started running toward them. Roe had a knee propped on the back of the other guy and was eating an apple like this whole situation was just a normal Tuesday at the office.

Sam and Gray were talking to Gemma who looked pissed as hell. Her right eye was rapidly swelling and she was flexing her own cut up knuckles. It looked like she’d gotten in a few punches herself. Pride filled me, they’d fought hard, buying us time to get to them.

Gemma’s windows were busted, too, and my mind began to rifle through the events that had just happened. A face flashed before my eyes, Drake Avery. Was he capable of organizing something like this? It was messy but would’ve been effective if we hadn’t been alerted by the broken window.

Sirens interrupted my thoughts, an ambulance the first to arrive followed by three cop cars. I gently pushed Mia toward the ambulance, wanting them to check over every inch of her to make sure she was okay. Broken bones, internal bleeding, an unknown heart condition, my mind whirled through each terrifying possibility.

I was more than willing to let the others handle the cops. We had two of the three offenders in custody and Gray was already deep in discussion with the chief of police on the sidewalk in front of our office. Baz was standing near them, one huge arm thrown around a sobbing Jesse.

We’d figure out who was behind this and when we did, there was nowhere they’d be able to hide from me.



Hospitals were officially my least favorite place on Earth.