Page 28 of Saving You

It was Saturday and though the store was open, Gemma had given me the day off, closing the store while she was doing the arrangements for a wedding in the Hill Country. I wasn’t sure what had initially brought Adam over in the middle of the day but I certainly wasn’t going to complain.

He picked up my limp hand and gave my palm a sweet kiss, making my heart flip over like it so often did when I saw this softer side of him.

“Unfortunately, I need to get going, too. There was a reason for my visit, not that I ever mind being distracted by this delectable body of yours.” Adam’s grin was wicked as he climbed from the bed. I watched him dress, admiring the sexy shift of his muscles.

“I’m going to be out of town for a few days.” That got my attention and I frowned up at him. The unhappy look on his face told me he didn’t like the idea any more than I did. It was the first time he’d had to leave since we’d started spending time together, even though he’d told me it was fairly common for him to go out of town for work.

“Oh,” the single word was infused with every ounce of disappointment I felt. In no time at all, I’d grown used to Adam’s presence, to spending my nights in his arms and my days looking forward to when we’d be together again. It was ridiculous to be attached so soon, I chewed on my lip wondering not for the first time if it was because Adam was my first romantic experience.

Adam’s knee dug into the mattress as he leaned toward me. “Don’t go and let your mind run wild with things that aren’t true, angel.” My heart plummeted to my feet. Was I being too clingy and now he was calling me on it? I really needed to talk to Liz about how the whole relationship thing worked.

“I want you to take Miles to my house, stay there while I’m gone.” I’d been enveloped in my own thoughts and his request caught me off guard.

“But why?” His face grew hard, radiating that intense Gage energy. The longer I’d been around him, I’d come to think of Adam Gage as two separate people. Adam was the personality that showed when he was content and relaxed, when he didn’t sense a threat and he was allowing himself to have fun. Gage appeared when he thought I was in danger. When he’d catch another man looking at me when we were on the street or I went too long between answering his texts and he worried something had happened. I’d found myself equally drawn to both sides, loving the comfort and warmth that Adam provided and being turned on beyond belief by the possessiveness of Gage.

“Because you’re mine, Mia. The only way I’ll be able to concentrate on this damn job is if I know the two of you are safe at my home. And the only thing that’s keeping me from packing you in my suitcase and taking you with me is the knowledge that this perfect fucking body is going to be lying inmybed, that this hair is going to be spread out onmypillow, that when you’re hungry you’ll fill your belly with food frommykitchen. You’re going to do all those things for me, aren’t you, angel?”

My thighs pushed tightly together under the thin sheet separating us. My previously sated body reawakening and longing for the kind of ecstasy that only he could provide. His eyes darkened once more and his nostrils flared as if he could scent my arousal. He gently laid his forehead against my own and breathed deep.

“I wish I could, Mia. Everything in me wants to stay in this room forever, to give you orgasm after orgasm until my tongue and fingers go numb.” He kissed me deeply and I made sure to kiss him back with every ounce of my confused emotions.

He tore himself away, chest heaving with deep breaths. Pulling a torn piece of notebook paper out of his pocket, he held it between two fingers.

“This is my address. Alarm code is on here also.” He placed the paper on my nightstand and laid a set of keys on top of it. “I want you to drive my truck while I’m gone.” Opening my mouth to protest, I shut it again when he shot me a look, making it clear that it would be futile.

“You have any problems and you can’t get in touch with me, you call the team. I put all of their numbers in your phone and they have yours as well. Start with Roe and Sam. Don’t be surprised if they show up at the restaurant or Gemma’s shop to check on you.” He gave me a look like he was ready for any argument I could think up but my mouth was firmly closed. I’d learned my lesson that arguing wouldn’t get me anywhere and I didn’t want him leaving to go on a potentially dangerous assignment and worrying about whether or not Miles and I were safe.

“Now repeat it all back to me, angel.”

“Sleep in bed, eat food, drive truck, call commandos, Jane follows orders.” I gave him a mock salute that had his lips pursing in amusement.

The smile he gave me was full of dark promises. “I like you a little bratty, angel. The minute I get back, your ass is going to be as red as a cherry.”

My sassiness fled when he gave me one last toe-curling kiss before disappearing the way he came. I never even asked how he got inside my locked door in the first place. Mostly, I hoped he’d do it again and again.



The sound of ice cubes against crystal had me grinding my teeth and a headache forming behind my right eye.

“I need a refill.” The high-pitched voice of the woman I was being paid to protect scraped against my strained temper.

“Again, Mrs. Turner, my job is to protect you from your husband,notfetch cocktails.”

A skittish woman in a grey uniform hurried forward and filled the empty glass in my client’s hand. Then she sprinted out of the room, empty bottle held against her chest.

“Ugh,” she stumbled on ice pick heels before collapsing onto a chaise lounge in a cloud of Chanel perfume and vodka. “Ex-husband,” she hissed, bloodshot eyes shooting daggers over my shoulder. As I was leaning against a wall, I assumed that’s where she thought my head was, especially since she’d passed what I’d consider drunk about one hour and three large drinks ago.

My silence didn’t seem to bother her. I’d learned early on in this job that when confronted with a drunk socialite, the best defense was to keep my mouth shut and let them talk until they either passed out or got bored and moved on.

“Husband, psh, he just wanted me tied to him on a piece of paper so that he could use my family’s influence to start his little business. Now he wants my money! Every cent that son of a bitch has was thanks to me. Did I say anything when he was sleeping with his twenty-three-year-old masseuse? Nooooo.” Liquid splashed over the rim of the crystal tumbler as she gestured wildly.

I had to give it to her that he did sound like a real piece of shit. However, if the look she was giving the pool boy who’d shown up earlier was any indication, I’d say that Mrs. Turner wasn’t exactly monogamous herself.

While she ranted, I let my mind wander. Earlier, Mia had sent me a photo of her and Miles cuddled up on my couch with a big bowl of popcorn. A warm feeling spread through me at the thought of them comfortable and safe inside my home even if I hated that the first time either of them had been there was when I wasn’t.

The first time I’d seen Mia Delgado was my strongest core memory. One look at her beautiful brown eyes and it was like everything I’d been through, every fucked-up event in my life was so that I could appreciate the miracle in front of me. My mind had emptied, replaced with an overwhelming clarity.There she is, my purpose in life, my redemption, my savior.