Page 17 of Saving You

Fucking gossipy small town. I could think of a least five people that could’ve narced on me. “That a problem?”

“Not a problem,” he held his hands in the air like I shouldn’t be offended. I hated my motives being questioned,especiallywhen it came to Mia.

“I get it, really, Gage, I was there myself not too long ago,” he spun the gold band on his finger with his thumb and I repressed the surge of jealousy.

My hands braced on the table, silently asking if we were done. He inclined his head and I didn’t waste time striding out the door, heading straight for the exit. There was only one way to settle the monster inside of me and lucky for him she was just across the street.

* * *

I’d never been insideof Gemma’s shop. Every surface was covered in bright floral bouquets and shiny green house plants. There was a section devoted to stuffed animals and baby gifts. Soft music floated from the speakers. It was warm and inviting, just like the woman I’d come to see.

Looking around, I was able to locate Mia instantly. She was standing next to a large open cooler filled with arrangements and individual flowers, helping a customer. Amalecustomer that was standing way too close and looking at Mia’s perfect ass in her tight jeans each time she turned to pull another bouquet out of the cooler. Fucker.

Possession rumbled inside my chest. I stalked over to where they were standing just in time to hear Mia’s response to a question he must’ve asked her.

“I don’t really think it’s appropriate for you to ask me out. Aren’t these flowers for your wife?” She put emphasis on the last word but this asshole didn’t seem to get the hint. Mia was too nice to tell him off. But she didn’t have to, I was here to help.

“Leave,” I barked, making them both jump. The asshole turned and it was obvious when he noticed my size and pissed off expression because he swallowed hard, backing up a step. Then he saw Mia’s face transform from annoyed to radiant happiness. The beauty was a punch to the chest and the asshole decided it was worth fighting me for, not realizing he’d already lost.

He puffed up in his cheap suit, like that would magically help him grow the seven inches I towered over him. “Excuse me,” he sneered. “I’m a customer and you can’t tell me what to do.”

Mia’s eyes were as round as saucers as she bit her bottom lip, making my dick twitch in my black fatigues. If this piece of human garbage wasn’t here, that look would’ve had her on the closest surface with her thighs draped over my shoulders.

“Don’t go picking fights you can’t win,” I flexed every muscle that could knock him out cold in under two seconds. “It’s been a shit day and I don’t have much patience left.”

I’d been told repeatedly growing up that I looked like I was always angry. At this moment, I was glad for it because the douche stumbled, knocking over some kind of small tree that was sitting in a pot as he ran from the store.

Mia breathed a sigh of relief, went to the overturned pot and started to scoop up the soil that was littered all over the floor. “Thanks for that. He gave me the creeps the second he came in the store. I let my guard down when he mentioned he was married, should’ve known better,” she grumbled.

I bent to help her clean up. “It’s not your fault that dick tried to shoot his shot with you. Any man who’s seen you knows you’re something special.” She placed her small hand on my forearm and I almost fell right on my ass when I saw her face was all lit up again. “There you go proving my point, angel. A man would sell his soul to the devil for you to look at him like that.”

“Really? What would it take to get you to kiss me again?” Her lips parted and that was her answer. My hands shoved deep into soft hair, holding her still so that I could drink my fill of her. The more I tasted, the more she made those sexy little sounds that made me want to rip off our clothes and drop her right down on my hard length.

“Gage,” she panted, pulling away, freeing my lips to roam. She could talk as much as she wanted, there were plenty of other places on Mia to keep my mouth busy.

“Gage,” she repeated, tapping my shoulder. “We have to stop, it’s the middle of the day and the door is unlocked.”

Grunting, I placed one last kiss below her ear and pulled back. Her face was flushed, eyes still partially clouded with desire and her chest rose with quick breaths. At some point I’d wrapped an arm behind her back, my other braced against the tile floor to hold us up. Her legs were spread wide to accommodate my considerable size, I liked the position but we’d have a hard time explaining what we were doing if Gemma or a customer walked in.

Taking a deep breath, I stood and reached down to help Mia to her feet. Then I stepped away so that I wouldn’t reach for her again. Mia brushed her hands over her pants, knocking bits of soil to the ground. She was blushing and nervous again. When I had her underneath me, she bloomed like one of the flowers that surrounded us, all traces of worry gone. The second my hands and mouth were no longer on her, it bled back in.

Searching for something to break the quiet was difficult. I’d never been a talker and I wished I had a joke or a story to tell that would make her laugh. Never thought I’d be jealous of Roe.

“Why has it been a bad day?” She clasped her hands in front of her and looked up at me. No one had asked me about my day since my grandmother died, at least not in the way that Mia was, like she truly cared about my answer. Silence dragged on for longer than was comfortable, but I couldn’t exactly tell her it was because my boss had blatantly asked why I was stalking her.

There was a truce of sorts between us about my nighttime habits, we both avoided the subject at all costs. When Mia started to fidget, her eyes darting around the store, I knew I had to say something. “It’s not so bad now,” lifting my hand, my fingers drifted through her hair. They seemed incapable of staying out of it.

“I have tonight off. Would you like to come to dinner?” My hand stilled and she stumbled over her next words. “At my house. Tonight. Miles will be there, too.” Dinner? Why would she want a monster like me to sit at her table, share food with her and her son?

“You look really cute when you’re confused,” Mia giggled and reached up, rubbing her finger over my creased brow. No one had ever called me cute—they wouldn’t have dared. I kind of liked that she saw me that way. “How about this. I’ll see you tonight for dinner. We eat at six. Now kiss me goodbye so that we can both get back to work.”

Bending forward like I was in a trance; I placed a kiss on her lips that was over far too quickly. She gave me a gentle push on my back to get me going and my feet moved automatically, taking me to the door. Hand braced against the handle, I turned, Mia was biting her lip and her shoulders shook like she was holding in a laugh. It was a good look and I didn’t mind that it was at my expense. My lips tilted and I shook my head, walking out the door to the musical sounds of Mia’s laughter.



That sneaky man. My nose squished against the glass of the window as I watched Gage run across the street and into the office next to Sweet Cheeks Bakery.