Page 15 of Saving You

Her answering smile was blinding as she flipped her hand over, intwining our fingers. “For me, too. So, what happens now?”

“Hell, I have no fucking clue.” I was still stuck on the fact that Mia was holding my hand.

“Do we go on a date?” Her question was hopeful. Hopeful and naïve.

“I’m not exactly the dating type, angel.” She tried to withdraw her hand and I gripped her a little tighter so that she couldn’t. “Doesn’t mean I don’t want you. If you’re mine, then you’re mine, no dating necessary.”

“Only me?” That’s what I’d been waiting for. For her to show me some of that fire that matched her hair.

“Not sure when there’d be time for anyone else. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been pretty booked up watching a certain red-haired angel.”

Mia preened at my statement. “How about we start with me taking your order for dinner and we go from there?”

“I think I’d like that a hell of a lot.”



It was amazing how the entire day could turn around by clearing up a miscommunication.

After giving Liz a quick explanation and a promise that Gage wasn’t the evil villain she thought he was, we switched our sections to our normal rotation. It didn’t stop her, however, from giving Gage the evil eye every time she walked by his table.

I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot, I had a full-blown crush on Gage. If an adult woman with a five-year-old son and a fair amount of baggage could have a crush, that is. Brushing aside my doubts, I refused to let dark thoughts ruin my good mood.

“Mia, when you have a minute, I’d like a word,” Brooks called from where he was changing a keg behind the bar.

Crap. It had been a thin hope that he would let the earlier confrontation slide. I felt guilty bringing drama into work and no one wanted their boss roped into their love life problems. I did a quick sweep of my tables, making sure everyone was taken care of, then I followed Brooks into the kitchen.

“I’m only doing this once, then I’m going to leave it alone.” He looked uncomfortable. Double crap.

I started to wring my hands together. “Am I being fired?” Fear lodged itself in my throat. I couldn’t lose this job. The money I got from working for Gemma was helping but no way could I support myself and Miles on that alone. This may be a small town but people were generous with tips. I had a good number of regulars that I could count on coming in every week.

“What? No! What would make you think that? Never mind, I can see how ominous my words must’ve sounded.” I let out the breath I’d been holding but the relief was short lived. “It’s about Gage. What’s between you two is none of my business. That being said, I feel like I’d be a bad boss and a worse friend if I didn’t at least give you a heads up.”

My spine straightened and despite his misguided behavior from this weekend, I wanted to defend Gage. But Brooks had proven himself trustworthy and after the earlier scene, I owed it to him to at least hear him out.

“I don’t know much about him, other than what folks around town say. Bits and pieces of gossip I’ve overheard from customers, things I’d normally never entertain. The work he does now may seem innocent, but he’s got a dark past, Mia. The kind of past that changes a person. You don’t see and do the kinds of things Gage has without it leaving a stain on you, without losing parts of yourself. Be careful, that’s all I’m saying. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Denial floated to the surface and I bit my lip, trapping it inside. Brooks wasn’t the only one who was privy to gossip. I’d heard the rumors. If they were to be believed, Gage was everything from a CIA assassin to a hitman for the mob. The most shocking, however, had come from Ms. Anna, the town’s grandmother who read to children at the library. She’d told me that Gage was a BDSM escort when she came in for dinner with her quilting circle. They were working their way through the Fifty Shades books and I was certain that rumor was pure fiction.

“I appreciate your concern and I’m sorry for the mess earlier. However, I can assure you that you don’t need to worry. I feel as safe with Gage as I do with you or Bear.”

As if I’d conjured him, Bear appeared at his brother’s shoulder. “Jo’s asking for you. Something about her liking the way you make her drink. Doesn’t she always order what’s on tap?”

During our conversation, Brooks had looked uncomfortable and worried. At the mention of Jo Perkins, his face clouded over with grumpy disapproval. I didn’t know what it was about the woman but she could rile up my boss like no other. He stomped away and I saw Jo propped on a bar stool, dressed in a super cute mini dress and wedge sandals. Her face brightened at the sight of him, eyes dancing with mischief.

“There goes his good mood,” Bear slapped a towel down on the bar and shook his head.

I felt bad for Jo, I’d always liked her and it was entertaining seeing her banter with Brooks, giving as good as she got. I wondered if anyone had bothered to give Brooks a warning. When their voices grew louder, attracting the attention of half the bar, I shook my head and went to check on my favorite customer.

* * *

“Areyou sure you want to leave with note boy? I can drive you home, babe.”

Gage’s jaw clenched tight but he stayed quiet. He was standing next to me and Liz hadn’t stopped glaring at him since she’d asked the question.

His arms were crossed over his chest, not the most welcoming stance and I started to worry that this standoff would never end. I placed my hand on his forearm, the muscle jumping underneath my touch. “Gage has got me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”