Page 13 of Saving You

“You sure do spend a lot of time up here. Maybe you should be the receptionist and I can take over your cases,” Jesse’s strained laughter barely registered as I stared across the street into Gemma’s flower shop.

Mia was weaving in between tables just like she did at Brooks’, looking so fucking beautiful it made my heart ache. She had on a pale pink sundress underneath her shop apron, all that soft red hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, making my hand twitch as it remembered what it had felt like to run my fingers through it.

I missed her, down to my bones missed her. Which was really fucked up. A few hours of her smiles, her warmth, and I was even more ruined than before. It was too much to hope she felt the same. Not after the way I’d treated her.

I shoved my hand into my pocket and flipped the item in my hand. Lying next to Mia, holding her in my arms, had been as mind-blowing as watching her come undone beneath me. I’d counted every breath while she slept, unwilling to close my eyes for a moment. The light of day had begun to filter into her bedroom, shining over Mia’s naked body, making her bronzed skin glow. Unable to help myself, I’d traced the glow with my fingers, my cock turning to stone.

When I pulled the sheet off her hips and saw the marks, I’d felt ill. I’d hurt her, my Mia, my angel, left marks all over her soft body. I longed to kiss each one, to beg her forgiveness, but what would be the use? No doubt she’d hate me when she opened her eyes and saw what I’d done. Darkened bruises from my fingers and red scrapes all over, I was a monster.

I’d torn myself away in disgust, I wasn’t worthy to touch her. What did I expect, these were the hands of a killer. Stumbling to her bathroom, I gathered my clothes, pulling on my pants, not bothering with my shirt or shoes. Then I’d sprinted for the door, knowing I was a coward. Mia would never want to see me again and I didn’t want my last memory to be her shaking from fear.

I’d gripped the handle, I couldn’t leave without saying something, without apologizing for what I’d done. Scribbling the note hastily on the only piece of paper I could find, I left it somewhere that she’d notice and bolted out the front door, almost forgetting to lock it in my haste.

It wasn’t until I was in my own driveway, my throat still thick with revulsion, that I’d noticed the white band, resting on top of my black shirt in the passenger seat. Reaching over with trembling fingers, I picked it up, realizing what it was. It was similar to the ones I used only mine were all black. One of Mia’s hair ties, a few strands of auburn caught around it.

Stealing it had been an accident and a blessing. I had something of hers, something that she’d touched with her hands. The temptation to take a treasure from her house had been there each time I’d gone inside while she was asleep but I’d never given in. This was mine now and there was no way I was giving it back. I’d shoved the band in my pocket this morning, unwilling to leave it behind. Now, my hand kept seeking it out when thoughts of her filled my mind.

Mia walked to the back of the shop and through the door, blocking her from my sight. My skin grew tight at not being able to see her. The door next to me swung open and I turned away from the window, a considerable effort, to face Falls Security’s newest employee.

Baz, Sebastian Thompson, hadn’t been here long. Roe and Sam had traveled to his ranch to get information for a human trafficking case we’d been working. Gray had worked with Baz in the past and had been trying to recruit him ever since he and Kane started the business. We’d all been surprised when he decided to move here permanently. He fit in well, did his job and left me alone. I liked him.

Baz gave me a chin nod and I returned it, appreciating how he never engaged in small talk. That shit was the worst. Our young receptionist, however, didn’t get the memo.

“H-hi, Baz, good morning,” she fidgeted in her chair and clicked the mouse for her computer at least five times without looking at the screen.

“Jesse,” Baz rumbled, tipping the edge of his faded baseball cap her way. He continued past her desk toward the hallway where our offices were located.

Jesse watched him go, a deep sigh leaving her when he was out of sight. Poor kid, she had no idea how dangerous her pining could be. Men like Baz, men like me, shouldn’t have nice, soft, pretty things. We were broken, used up, missing pieces that normal men still had. Literally for Baz, he’d lost a damn leg doing his job. Though mine wasn’t as obvious, I’d left huge chunks of myself on the battlefield.

“You don’t want to be like me, Jesse,” her eyes bounced to me, cheeks deepening from embarrassment. “No good can come of it, trust me.” Then I left her alone to go beg Gray for a new assignment. Anything to take my mind off what I’d done to Mia.

* * *

I probably shouldn’t be here.Hell, there was no probably about it.

Walking through the doors of Brooks’ Bar and Grill, I walked straight to my table and like usual, no one stopped me. One of the perks of my size and my reputation was that people in town tended to leave me alone. My body was stiff as I lowered into the chair, keeping my gaze on the scratched wood in front of me. I wanted to wait until the last possible second to see Mia’s face, no doubt it would be filled with anger, hatred, disgust.

Still, there was no way I would’ve been able to stay away from Mia Delgado. In truth, I hadn’t tried all that hard. Last night, I’d watched her from my hiding spot as she’d walked to the window, searching the darkness for me. It would have been all too easy to step into the light coming off her porch and let her see me. Then the image of those marks I’d left on her body flashed and I’d kept to the shadows. When she’d drawn the curtains closed in anger, I’d tried to convince myself it was for the best.

What would she say when she came to take my order? Would she tell me to fuck off? It would be completely appropriate given my behavior. Tuning out the noise that surrounded me, I picked up footsteps headed my way. My pulse raced and blood rushed south, making me feel like a sick bastard.

“What the hell are you doing here?” They were the words I’d expected to hear, but not the mouth that I’d expected to say them. Mia’s friend, the blonde one that I’d seen the other night when I was taking Mia home, was standing next to my table. What was her name again?

“Where’s Mia?” I couldn’t help but search around the crowded bar, gripping the edge of the table and causing the wood to creak with my restraint. This wasn’t right, she should be here. Mia always worked Monday nights. What if she was hurt or sick, what if she needed me? Fuck, I should have put a tracker on her phone when I’d had the chance.

Her friend tapped one long red nail against her chin, and looked upward. “I don’t know, if only I had a sticky note, I could write it down for you.” Shit. Clearly, Mia’d told her everything. That fucking note, I knew it had been a mistake the second I’d written it.

“Look,” I glanced at her nametag, “Liz, I know you and Mia are good friends. And it’s admirable that you’re protecting her, but I promise she’s in no danger from me. I just want to talk to her.” My anxiety was increasing with every minute that I didn’t see my angel.

Her eyes lost some of their fury but it was clear that she wasn’t backing down. “There are all kinds of danger, soldier.”

“Not from me.” I didn’t bother correcting her by saying I was actually a Marine. It wouldn’t buy me any favors with this woman.

“I think you could be more dangerous to that girl than you know. Leave, I don’t need the tips that bad.” Then she spun on her booted foot and walked away.

Leaving was the last thing I’d be doing, not unless Mia was coming with me. I continued scanning the bar for a shot of auburn hair. No way was Liz the only waitress working tonight. Mia was here, I could feel it. Hiding, sure, but here nonetheless.

“Gage.” I’d seen Liz stop at the bar and talk to Brooks, gesturing wildly at where I was sitting. Wasn’t really a surprise that he’d stop by.