Page 14 of Saving You

“McKay,” I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. I knew what I looked like, every inch of muscle on my body wasn’t just for show. If he was here to intimidate me, it wouldn’t be easy.

“I don’t know what happened between you and Mia, but I can’t have one of my wait staff hiding in the kitchen all night.” My eyes went to the kitchen door and I caught a glimpse of a red ponytail and wide, brown eyes before they were gone. I would’ve smiled if there wasn’t yet another person standing between the two of us.

“Is there any way I could convince you to eat somewhere else tonight? I can have Bear make you a to-go plate.”

It was a nice offer from a reasonable man. Too bad for him I wasn’t reasonable…or nice. “Not interested in a to-go plate. I’m perfectly happy to eat my dinner here. Just waiting on my usual waitress to take my order.”

“I’m trying to meet you halfway here, Gage. The only reason I’m not throwing you out is because she asked me not to.”

I laughed, “You could try.” Only a few people could call me off when I was on the hunt and Brooks McKay wasn’t one of them.

He drew himself up to his considerable height. “I may not have your background, but don’t forget I worked the circuit for over twenty years. This is my place, Gage, I’ve got no problem defending it and the people inside.”

I’d never been good at ignoring a direct threat. I was here for Mia, but if I couldn’t see her, I’d settle for a good fight to get some of this energy out. Rising from my seat, I almost didn’t hear the small squeak that came from behind him.

“Please don’t fight.” I dropped back down in the chair, not wanting to scare her away.

“Mia,” I breathed her name when she stepped from behind her boss.

“Not so sure you should be here, Mia,” Brooks frowned. I growled, hating that he said her name with such familiarity. He gave me a look that said I’d just proven his point.

“It’s okay, Gage won’t hurt me. Can we have a minute?” She hadn’t looked at me once and I burned to have those eyes back on me.

“I’ll be at the bar if you need me. Bear, too,” his stare was hard and the second statement was another warning for me. Depending on what Mia said, I may welcome two of the McKay brothers squaring up to me.

When he left, Mia pulled out the chair across from me and sat with her hands folded in front of her. She took a deep breath, before looking up and running expressive eyes over me. “You look like shit.”

“Feel like it, angel,” I huffed a laugh. Now that I was mere feet away from her, I saw the dark circles around her eyes and the pinched lines bracketing her mouth when I’d called her ‘angel.’

“Why are you here, Gage? Your note said you’d leave me alone.” That fucking note again. There was a cabinet back at the office full of every color sticky note imaginable. I made a vow to take every last one and burn them.

“Do they hurt?” I almost choked on the words, but I had to know that she was okay. Maybe I’d add myself to the burn pile.

Her eyebrows drew down in confusion, “Does what hurt?”

“Jesus,” she was going to make me say it. “The bruises, Mia. The scrapes. I never meant to,” my voice cracked with emotion. “I never meant to hurt you, angel. I’m so sorry.”

Mia’s eyes widened and she glanced around us before leaning forward. Her words were hushed. “Are you talking about from when we…” she paused. “When we were together?”

My innocent Mia. She couldn’t even say it out loud. I had no right putting my filthy hands on her. Leaning in myself, I took a deep breath, making sure I caught that amber scent as it might be my last chance. I nodded, unable to speak.

“Gage, that was…those are nothing. Of course, they don’t hurt.” My mind reeled from her absolution. Drawing on my skills, I evaluated her body for signs of deception. There was nothing about her that indicated she was lying.

“I saw them, Mia. Those weren’t nothing.” I’d wanted her too much. Been too excited to be touching her, kissing her, and I’d forgotten why I never should have in the first place.

“I like it better when you call me ‘angel.’” She was killing me. No way was this happening. I’d finally gone over the edge and I was imagining this entire conversation, while I sat alone in my house.

“You didn’t come last night.” She looked more hurt thinking that I hadn’t been stalking her than she did over the marks on her body.

“I did,” I rushed out, unwilling to have her thinking I’d ever abandon her completely. “I made sure you couldn’t see me.”

She chewed on her bottom lip as she thought that over. “Why didn’t you want me to see you?”

“Come on, angel,” her lips twitched at the endearment and my pulse spiked. “Never in my wildest, most fucked up dreams did I think you’d ever want to see me again.”

She frowned, her lower lip poking out. “The note, was it only about the marks? Or was there something else?” Her posture screamed that she thought I’d left because of her. Maybe even thinking that I’d used her or worse, been disappointed.

I struck, reaching out my hand and grabbing hers. Keeping my grip gentle, I stroked the rough pad of my thumb over her soft knuckles. “That’s all it was about. I’m so fucking sorry, angel. I should have stayed and talked to you, instead of acting like a scared little bitch. What you let me do to you, what we did together, it was the most perfect night of my life.”