“Well, well, well, if it isn't the dashing Brando Sanders at our doorstep. What brings you here?” Race asks, giving me a playful wink.

I smile, despite the shitty situation. How could I have not seen it right away that Race was gay? Now that I know, it is clear as day.

“I need to talk to Ana,” I reply, trying to keep my tone calm and composed despite Race's flamboyance.

He tilts his head and purses his lips, striking a dramatic pose. “I'm afraid Ana isn't here right now. She needs some space to work through all her emotions and such. “

I furrow my brow in frustration.

“Race, cut the crap, man. I really need to find her. This is important.”

He fans himself with a dramatic flair. “Oh my, someone's in a tizzy! Can't it wait? Let her cool off and find her way back to you on her own.”

“I'm afraid that’s not going to work, Race. It's about the paternity test,” I say, trying to convey the urgency of the situation.

Race's eyes widen, and he leans in, intrigued. “You got the results already? Spill the tea!”

I nod. “Yes, and I need to talk to Ana about it. It's important that we figure things out, for everyone's sake, including Addison's.”

Race lets out a melodramatic sigh. “Oh, the drama! So, it’s yours, then? Ana asked me not to tell you where she is. She doesn’t want to see you, my friend. “

“I understand that, but it’s important,” I say, hoping he'll cave.

Race looks torn, his flamboyance momentarily subdued. “She's been through a lot, and I can't betray her trust.”

I can see how much he cares about Ana and respects her wishes, but I can't let this opportunity slip away. I need to find her and have a conversation, for all our sakes.

“Race, please, I know you care about Ana, and you want what's best for her. I need to talk to her, and I need to talk to her right now. I miss her. And Addison is terribly upset with me that Ana is not around.”

Race puts his hand on his hip, striking a sassy pose. “You’re in a tight spot, my friend.” He sighs dramatically. “I’ll tell you where she is, but you better treat her right, you hear me?”

“I promise, Race. I'll make her happy.”

Race writes down the address on a piece of paper and hands it to me with a flourish.

As I step outside, I finally look at the address.

Big Island, Hawaii?



The sun risesover the lush Kona coffee fields, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold. I take a deep breath, inhaling the intoxicating scent of freshly brewed coffee that permeates the air.

I can't believe I'm here, on a coffee farm in Hawaii, far away from the bustling streets of downtown NYC. This turned out to be my sanctuary, my escape from the chaos of the city and from my heartbreak.

The coffee farm is nestled on the slopes of a volcanic mountain, where the fertile soil and perfect climate create the ideal conditions for growing the finest coffee beans. The farm owners, a warm and welcoming couple, Kai and Leilani, have become like family to me in these short few weeks. They've taught me a lot about coffee beans—from harvesting to roasting—and I've fallen in love with this art form.

What better way for me to rebuild both my life and my business than on this island?

My days are a beautiful rhythm of simplicity and purpose, an idyll I often dreamed of as a child.

I wake with the sunrise, greeted by the gentle chirping of birds. After a vigorous yoga session on the porch, I spend the first few hours of the day tending to the coffee plants, carefully inspecting each tree for ripe, crimson cherries ready for harvest.

There's something therapeutic about the process—the connection to nature and the land, the sense of nurturing something from seed to cup.

Living in the moment is easy in the midst of this perfection.