I take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check.

“You and I were never together, for one. We were occasional fuckbuddies, and I was crystal clear about it from the very beginning.”

I pause to take a deep, cleansing breath.

“I certainly don’t appreciate you surprising and threatening the woman whoismy girlfriend with such information.”

She crosses her arms protectively, sensing my upset. Her voice is dripping with sarcasm as she responds, “I’m pregnant with your child. That does change a few things, doesn’t it?”

I cross my legs, my frustration simmering beneath the surface. There’s little point arguing about what we were to each other. She is clearly pregnant, and the timing works. The child is very likely mine.

But I want to make sure.

“I fell in love, Veronica. It wasn’t planned, and I’m not sorry for it. No strings attached, that was the deal between us, remember?

“But I am pregnant now.” She sighs and dabs her eyes with a napkin.

“I’m aware. And the child is likely mine. I’ll accept it, but I want proof.”

“What do you want then, Brando?” her voice quivers, a mix of frustration and vulnerability. “Do you want a paternity test? Is that what it will take for you to believe me?”

I nod, my resolve firm. “Yes, I think that's the best way to resolve this. I need to know for sure.”

She scoffs. “For sure? Are you seriously doubting me? After everything we shared?”

“This is not about you and me. It's about the child you are carrying. And I want what’s best for it, regardless of whether it’s mine or not.” My voice is firm and unwavering. “If you're so sure, then taking a prenatal paternity test shouldn't be an issue. It's non-invasive, with no risk to you or the baby. It's the only way to put the uncertainty to rest.”

Veronica's expression shifts, a mix of reluctance and desperation. “Brando, can't we just trust each other? We had something special. We fit together so well.”

I shake my head, my voice resolute. “That's in the past, Veronica. I have no intention of marrying you or being with you anymore. But if this child is mine, I will be a father to it in every sense of the word. The child will be a part of my family, too. You and I will come to a custody arrangement that works for both of us, and in return, I will provide generously for both of you. You have my word.”

She takes a moment, her gaze wavering. The weight of my ultimatum sinks in, and the realization of her situation becomes clear. Reluctantly, she nods.

“Fine. If it means that much to you, I'll take the test. But don't think I'm doing it for you. I'm doing it for our baby.”

“That’s all I’m asking,” I say and reach out for her hand. As she starts sobbing, I sit next to her and wrap an arm around her shoulders.

“Veronica, please don’t cry. It’s not good for the baby.”

Her sobs won’t subside.

“We wouldn’t be the first patchwork family that ever walked this planet, I’m sure of that,” I offer, as she continues to heave.

While I try to comfort her as best I can, my mind is a whirlwind. If this child is indeed mine, it will change everything.

But despite the unconventional setup, welcoming a new child to the family would be exciting.

Explaining it to Addison won’t be easy. But I am sure that in the end, she would be thrilled.

And regardless of what the test says, Ana is the one I want.

* * *

A few weeks later,I’m knocking on Ana and Race's apartment door. Since Ana stormed out of my office, I haven’t been able to talk to her. My calls and messages are left unanswered, and Charlotte has been of no help, regardless of how much I threatened her. It’s as if Ana disappeared from the face of the Earth, unreachable by phone, email or social media.

But now that I have certainty, I need to find her and talk to her about the paternity test results. Race is my last hope before I turn to hiring a private investigator.

I ring the doorbell, and a few moments later, Race opens the door with his usual flair.