“Aww! Thank you, Mama Char!” Race hugs Charlotte with a shake and a shimmy.

With a final goodbye, Race and Charlotte walk toward the park exit on 72nd Street.

I look at Ana, expecting her to back out as well.

But instead, she inquires with a bright smile, “What time should I be there?” She picks up her gym bag and looks up at me as if this were a normal thing we do all the time.

“Yay!” Addison jumps with excitement before hugging Ana. “Let’s celebrate!”

I’m confused and thrilled at the same time. She’s going to have dinner with us without her boyfriend? As we walk uptown toward the park exit on 79thStreet, I wonder what sort of a relationship these two have.

“Pumpkin, calm down and get ready to go home. The car will be here in five minutes.”

Turning my attention back to Ana, I inquire, “See you at seven?”

“Seven sounds great.”

* * *

Addison wantsspaghetti and vegan meatballs for dinner, one of her favorites. Not knowing what Ana likes, I hope that we have made a wise choice. Addison wants to impress our guest with my cooking. If I didn't know better, I would think that my daughter is playing matchmaker.

Arriving with a bottle of wine and sparkling juice for Addison, Ana is wearing an attractive sundress with sandals. She is pretty, young, vibrant and as tempting as a ripe peach on a hot summer day. It will be hard for me to keep my hands off her.

“You're just in time. Do you like vegan meatballs in your pasta?”

“I love them.” Ana grins as she sits at the dining room table.

As Addison sets the table, Ana asks if my daughter is interested in any boys at her school.

“What about that boy in your science class?”

Giggling, Addison replies, “We don’t have chemistry.”

Guffawing, I say, “Oh wow! That is a great joke, ladies!”

Looking at me seriously, Addison asks, “What joke? It didn’t work out, so I’m single now.”

Single? It didn’t work out? Is my daughter dating before I am?

“Is Race dating anyone?” Addison asks, stopping me in my tracks.

Scolding my daughter, I say, “Addison, don’t be rude. What did I tell you about assumptions?”

“Dad, you figured out by now that Race is gay, right?” Addison states nonchalantly. “I found out the other night when we were at their place.”

I’m too stunned to speak. I look over at Ana, who squirms in her seat slightly. But as I continue staring at her, she lifts her eyes and holds my gaze, the air between us charged with electricity.

If Race is not her boyfriend…

For the rest of the evening, I continue watching Ana as she enjoys her food and jokes with Addison, talking about a recent trip to Venice and Cinque Terre.

She must feel my hungry eyes on her, as she lifts hers often to return my gaze, an unspoken understanding between us.

I love Addison to pieces, but tonight, I can’t wait for her to go to bed.

After dinner, I have prepared a movie for us to watch together, but luckily, Addison is fading fast. At the end of a full day of physical activity, I am not surprised that she’s exhausted.

As I carry Addison’s sleeping body, Ana follows me and opens the door to her bedroom.