I see you seeing me, Boss Man. But what’s up with you and Race?

“Go, Addy, go!” Brando nearly screams, pumping his fist into the air.

“Breathe, honeybun, breathe,” Race yells, causing Brando to look at me in confusion.

As Addison and the other runners approach the finish line, Brando's voice soars above everyone else's when his daughter wins the race. Greeting Addison with a fresh bottle of water and a towel, Brando hugs her.

“Congratulations to all the runners of the kid’s run!” the MC announces from the stage. “The 5K will begin on the west path in ten minutes!”

“Way to go, baby! I'm so proud of you!” Brando gushes, hugging his daughter and kissing her cheek. “Are you okay? Do you need more water? Are you still doing the adult run with us? Do your feet hurt?”

“Dad, I'm fine!” Addison stops him.

“Congratulations, honey bunny!” Race says and high-fives Addison, followed by a side hug. “You took off like a rocket!”

“I am so impressed, Addison!” I add, also hugging the young girl. “Those other kids never had a chance.” I pause. “But are you ready to challenge the adults?”

“The question is, are the adults ready for me?” Addison grins.

There is nothing that matches the confidence instilled into the Upper East Side private school kids. I nod encouragingly.

Laughing and congratulating our winner, our little group prepares for the next run by hydrating and warming up our legs. Minutes later, we head for the starting line.

“Runners, on your mark. Ready, set, GO!”

The starter pistol fires, adding to the adrenaline coursing through me. My legs take off before the rest of my body, trying to keep up with Brando and Addison. Feeling like I am outside my body, I have to kick myself back to reality and start running. Within seconds, I dart up to my group. Thankfully, Race and Charlotte look like they are walk-running, which makes it easy for me to keep pace. I urge my slower friends, “You can do it! Just one step at a time! A little faster till it's margarita time!”

“Now you're speaking my language!” Race enthuses, with Charlotte joining his tempo. “Come on, Mama Char, let's do this!”

It's hard for me to keep up, but I’m enjoying the strength of my body and the adrenaline that courses through it. I make a mental note to start running regularly.

Much like my relationship with Brando, before long, we are no longer at the start but still far from the end.

One thing I need to figure out is the growing tense energy between Brando and Race. I'll be damned if I end my lifelong friendship over some dude, no matter how dreamy he is.



Charlotte and Racestart walking after the first mile, which allows Addison, Ana, and me to pick up our pace. Darting into open spaces between the runners ahead of me, we quickly pass the two-and-a-half-mile mark. I look back to see that Addison has begun to fall back. Slowing down to allow her to catch up, my attention diverts to Ana as she has already appeared next to her. I let them gain ground so that the three of us are running in tandem. By the tail end of the race, runners are lagging farther behind as we maintain a steady speed.

“Dad, look! We’re almost there!” Addison cheers, accelerating.

As we cross the finish line, Ana and I high-five each other. I wish I could drag her into my arms instead.

Eventually, Charlotte and Race join us, jogging over to congratulate us.

“We walked the rest of the way.” Race chuckles as he gushes over Addison. “I am so proud of you, honey bunny! I can't believe you did both races!”

“I knew I could do it. My dad is the best trainer in the world!” Addison exclaims.

Looking over at Ana, she is smiling as she accepts a bottle of water from Charlotte.

I take the opportunity to invite them to dinner at my place to celebrate.

“Thank you, but I have another engagement,” Race states, winking at Ana. “In fact, I need to get going. I'll see you back at home, Ana Banana.” Kissing Ana on the cheek, Race exchanges his goodbyes before departing to call for an Uber.

“Raincheck, Boss Man. The husband and I also have plans,” Charlotte explains before she excuses herself. “No kiddos in the house for a full week starts tonight! And Race, honey, I'm sure you're on my way, so save your Uber money.”