“Dad, I really like Ana,” Addison announces once we settle into our town car and start moving in the heavy evening Manhattan traffic.

Taking her hand in mine, I confess, “I like them, too. Ana's an incredible assistant. I would be lost without her.”

“She's a great listener. And she gave me advice on a problem I've been having.” Addison's voice grows softer with each word. I know what her problem is, and I brace myself for the conversation as we quietly observe the bustling city around us.

As our driver turns onto our street, I break the silence, “I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to talk to Ana. I'm always here if you need to discuss anything.”

“Anything except my mother.” Addison's voice wavers between strength and fear.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts as the car comes to a stop, I reach for a tissue box in the console between our seats and hand it to her.

“Your mother was beautiful, just like you. In fact, you resemble her in many ways.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders and draw her close. “You have similar mannerisms and reactions. It's sometimes uncanny, considering you never met her.” I pause. “But she was loving and ambitious. She wanted the best for herself and for everyone she loved, just like you. In her mind, there was an abundance of everything for everyone: time, love, flowers, friends, choices.”

In that moment, I realize I have perfectly described Ana as well. I suppose I have a type.

“Can we spend more time with Ana?” Addison turns to me, her eyes brimming with tears.

“I know you want the best for me, pumpkin, and I'm happy that you like Ana,” I continue. “I do, too. But if you're expecting me to date her…. It's complicated.”

Seeing tears escape my daughter's eyes, I hold her tightly as an idea comes to mind. “Your mother made video recordings while she was pregnant with you. How about we make tea, and I'll set up the DVD in my room. Change into your pajamas, and we'll watch a few minutes before bedtime. I'll tell you everything I remember about that time.”

“Yay! Let’s do it!” Addison cheers, hugging me back as we step out of the town car.

The rest of the evening is a much-needed bonding experience between us. I finally open up about my love for Addison's mother while she learns more about the woman who brought her into this world.



The forecast calledfor cloudy weather, prompting me to wear a hoodie over a sports bra. But as the sun comes out and shines hot enough to scramble eggs on concrete, I begin shedding unnecessary clothing and guzzling water. Race will be behind me shortly since he had to decide on what shoes to wear.

I start stretching. From the moment my best friend arrives, I can't help but feel self-conscious as Brando barely keeps his eyes off him. If I didn't know better, I would think that Brando is interested in Race. But that wouldn't explain why he kissed me after the protest.

What is your deal, Mr. Sanders? Are you… bisexual? Bi-curious?

And why am I even thinking about him? I decided wisely that a relationship with my boss wasn’t a good idea, and I will stick to that decision.

“Earth to Ana!” Race snaps his fingers twice near my face. The cracking sound makes my eyes pop wide open.

“What's going on in that coconut, Mama?” Race inquires as he places my discarded clothing into my gym bag. Sidestepping my random thought about Brando's sexuality, I redirect my bestie's attention.

“Don't look, but is Brando watching you?” I nonchalantly ask Race, my back turned toward my boss, pointing my ass toward his line of vision.

Surreptitiously, Race looks in Brando's direction. His mouth curls into a mischievous grin as he replies, “Hmm, he's definitely looking this way, but I think he’s checking out your ass more than anything.”

“Well, he was watching you last night,” I point out. “But I thought we all had a blast playing Uno together. Between him and Addison, we can't win to save our lives!”

“One, we have to do a sleepover with Addy. Two, I'm gonna whoop her ass the next time we play Uno!” Race declares as he loops his arm through mine, leading me toward the runner's table to sign up for the adults’ run and get our assigned numbers. I look behind me to see Brando, Addison, and Charlotte heading in our direction. My heart thumps wildly as I come closer to Brando, and I calm my breathing once we simultaneously arrive at the table. After we all have our numbers, we wait by the starting line.

It's easy to tell that both Brando and Addison are used to running in these types of events, but this is my first race. Skipping breakfast may have been a mistake because I could have used the energy boost, but I didn't want to feel too heavy, and I'm sure to work up an appetite during the 5K.

As she said she would, Addison has signed up for both runs. She is very much like her father. Strong-willed, athletic, and determined. I am reminded of my conversation with Addison the night before. A part of me wishes that her mother could be here to share this moment with her.

“Good luck, pumpkin.” Brando smiles, looking like the proud father that he is.

“We can watch the race over here,” he suggests, leading us to a side path.

Charlotte and Race stand ahead of Brando and me while the kids shuffle past us. As Addison quickly takes and holds the lead, we all cheer for her success. When I glance over at Brando occasionally, I can’t help noticing the look of a proud father on his face when he isn’t glaring at Race or sneaking peeks at me.