Charlotte joins us, and we ride the elevator down to the auditorium floor, an uncomfortable quiet hanging between us. I can't help but think that we could have used this time more productively if Charlotte wasn't with us.

I break the uneasy silence. “I've been transparent with the board,” I say. “I intend to tell the press that I attended the protest to gain a different perspective.”

“What do they expect you to talk about?”

“They want me to clarify my position without further damaging the company's reputation.” I grin as I walk onto the podium. “Wish me luck!”

The room is full of journalists, though I see a few board members sitting clustered around Charlotte and Ana.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the board and the press, thank you for joining me this afternoon,” I start slowly, savoring the moment. I enjoy being on the podium. The feeling of commanding the room is intoxicating.

“I stand before you as the CEO of Sanders International, an energy infrastructure company that has been powering progress and driving innovation for years. Today, I am thrilled to announce a transformative and vital step for us and for the world we serve.”

I pause, cameras flashing.

“As you are aware, over this past weekend, I attended a protest against a pipeline recently acquired by Sanders International, and you might be wondering why I did so.”

I take a deep breath before continuing.

“It was a deliberate decision. We needed to hear from the people who will be affected by the planned project. Everyone needs energy, yet often we enjoy its comforts without sparing a second thought about its impact on the environment.”

I stop and take stock of the room.

“As we look around us, it is evident that the world faces significant challenges due to climate change and environmental degradation. We, as leaders in the energy sector, recognize our responsibility to be a part of the solution. Our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship has never been stronger.”

Ana is sitting in the second row, tucked in between Charlotte and one of the board members, watching me intently. She is hanging onto my every word.

“Today, I am proud to declare that Sanders International is embarking on a bold and unwavering journey toward becoming a more sustainable and environmentally friendly organization. We are taking concrete steps to reduce our carbon footprint, preserve natural resources, and drive positive change for our planet and communities.”

A low murmur spreads through the audience.

“First, we are setting ambitious targets to decrease our greenhouse gas emissions significantly. We will invest in cutting-edge technologies and renewable energy sources, aiming to transition to clean and renewable energy in our operations. By doing so, we will not only minimize our impact on the environment but also pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

“Second, we are committed to fostering innovation within our organization. We will create a dedicated sustainability research and development department to explore and implement new, eco-friendly solutions. By fostering a culture of innovation, we will unlock untapped potential and revolutionize the way we operate, leaving behind a legacy of positive change.”

I search for Ana’s face in the audience.

“But our efforts will not be limited to just our operations; we aim to empower our customers to make sustainable choices too. We will also explore a peer-to-peer energy trading pilot using blockchain, to encourage our customers to embrace energy-efficient solutions and inspire them to become active participants in creating a greener world.”

Ana’s eyes widen, and she breaks into an infectious, radiant smile.

“And finally, thanks to the information I acquired at the protest, the construction of the pipeline is on hold until we find a sustainable way to build and operate it. Thank you for your time.”

As I walk away from the podium, I am not surprised to see a few board members scrambling in my direction. When they reach me, a graying man I have known since I was a child and who visited our home too many times to count, grabs me by the sleeve.

“Back off,” I growl, barely flinching a muscle.

Whimpering like reprimanded puppies, the board members in his vicinity scatter and hold their tongues as they allow me to make my exit, followed closely by my staff. Once we are outside the auditorium, I swiftly open an office door and pull Ana inside. Luckily, the office is empty.

She looks at me in anticipation, holding her breath.

“That was incredible,” she says, a mix of happiness and wonder shining from her eyes. “You did it, despite the board. Aren’t they going to be furious?”

But I’m not interested in discussing Sanders International and ignore her question. I have more pressing business with her.

“Tell me you felt it, too,” I say, grabbing her by the waist and locking her gaze to mine. Her blue eyes dance in the late afternoon sunlight pouring through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“I'm sorry for running away,” she murmurs, dropping her eyes. “You surprised me. I didn't expect my boss to kiss me.” I gently lift her chin with my hand.