With Brando in full damage control mode, I don't have a single moment to speak with him. We are confined to communicating through our iPhones, and even then, our responses become increasingly infrequent. To occupy my time, I handle incoming phone calls and respond to requests for comments from newspapers. It isn't until midafternoon that I finally hear from him.

I need to tell him that hooking up is out of the question.

Opening his office door, I look up to see Brando flashing me a warm smile.

“The board is asking me to hold a press conference to talk about the pipeline,” he states in a professional tone. “Join us in the auditorium at three p.m.”

Maintaining my composure, despite feeling flustered that I'll have to postpone the conversation about the kiss once again, I respond curtly, “Sure thing. By the way, your coffee has gone cold.”



Feelingthe need for a break from the board and my father, I pace in front of my desk, deciding to check in with Charlotte to schedule the press conference and catch up on any missed messages. And of course, I can't wait to see Ana again.

“I'll arrange the conference for this afternoon. Have a good day, ladies and gentlemen,” I announce, exiting the Zoom call. I then hold my office door open so the people inside can leave. As they all file out, I glance outside to find that Ana is not at her desk.

As I swing my door open, I'm greeted by questioning gazes from the entire office. The only pair of eyes I want to see are nowhere to be found. I make a beeline for Charlotte’s desk.

“Charlotte, I need you to arrange the auditorium and contact the media for the press conference.” I pause briefly. “Have you seen Ana?”

“She's in the bathroom,” Charlotte responds, her eyes fixed on the computer monitor as she types an email. “When she arrived, she tried to go into your office, but the door was locked. You didn't inform me that she's on the NTK list, so—”

Chuckling, I interject, “Char, that list is your responsibility. And, of course, my assistant needs to be as informed as you are about the board's decisions.”

Charlotte stops typing, giving me her full attention. “Even though she's the reason behind this specific decision?”

By now, it's common knowledge that Ana also participated in the protest. My unavailability and limited communication might be creating the wrong impression, suggesting that I don't want to see her or that her job with Sanders International is in jeopardy. Meanwhile, I constantly reminisce about the heat of that stolen kiss.

Has she been thinking about it as well? At the very least, she must have sensed the electric current running between us.

For the sake of my own sanity, I need to talk to her as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I had to spend the morning with my father and the board, strategizing how to present the situation and maneuvering them into making the decision I want.

Back in my office, I stand at the window to admire the view of the skyline. Gazing at the treetops, one can almost forget about the bustling city below. Ninety-nine stories up, amid the chaos that currently engulfs my life, I allow my mind to wander.

I envision taking Ana on a romantic helicopter ride at night, followed by a visit to a chic restaurant in the city. Later, we would go back to our hotel, and I imagine her kneeling in front of me, begging me to mouthfuck her. After, she is riding me, her breasts bouncing in my face, as she comes on my cock and screams my name.

My mind is going haywire; every thought involving Ana inevitably ends up in a vivid daydream.

Her voice ripples outside my door, abruptly pulling me back to the present. I sit behind my desk, my cock tenting my pants.

I need to get laid soon.

Ana peeks through the door. “It's almost three.”

“Yes, let’s get going. But first, I feel I might need to apologize,” I begin, my words trailing off.

“I am sorry. But then again, I’m not sorry,” I add playfully.

She gives me an earnest look. “About the locked door? No worries.”

Is she deliberately talking about something else?

“Sometimes, I also need my own space and time, so I understand,” she rambles on. I have the urge to grab her and claim her. That would surely clarify what I mean.

“Let’s talk about this after the meeting,” I sigh as I stand up.

“I'm ready whenever you are, Boss Man,” she responds.