My curiosity piqued, I inquire, “How long have you been working for Brando?”

“Well, I initially worked for his father for a couple of years before he retired. When Brando took over the business, he asked me to stay on for my knowledge and to ensure continuity,” Charlotte replies.

Our salads arrive, diverting our attention momentarily as we start to eat.

Before taking another bite, I ask, “How well do you know him?” Charlotte smiles and leans in closer.

“He's a lot like his father in many ways. Difficult to read at first, but once you break through his exterior, he can be quite charming.” She lowers her voice, adding, “Rumor has it that he's the 'love 'em and leave 'em' type, not one for commitment. And he's not really one for idle chit-chat around the office.”

I allow myself a moment to consider his playboy reputation before refocusing my attention on the present.

“Oh, that explains a lot. I thought maybe I’d done something wrong even though it’s only my first day.”

“No, he hasn't mentioned anything specific about you. He’s just like that,” Charlotte responds. “But I could tell he was intrigued when you came to interview. He’s never hired anyone on the spot as he did yesterday. And some really good applicants came through before you arrived at the last minute.”

Relief washes over me. It’s nothing to do with me or anything I’ve done.

“Well, I'll have to win him over with my charming personality,” I say with a grin, and both Charlotte and I chuckle.

“So, tell me about yourself,” Charlotte asks. “Are you married? Do you have kids?”

“No, I'm single,” I reply. “I wanted to focus on starting my business first and then think about settling down. I still have a few more years before the biological clock starts ticking. And what about you?”

“I'm married, and we have a couple of rugrats and a dog,” Charlotte responds. “You know, the typical, two-point-five kids. I count my husband as the half-kid.” We both laugh.

Finishing our salads, we settle the bill and head back to the office. Despite my heels, the walk rejuvenates me.

This day is turning out to be quite bearable, a far cry from the shit show I was bracing for in the morning.

Upon returning to the office, I dive back into working on the blockchain energy trading project brief. The more I dig into it, the more excited I am about it.

I hope Brando considers adding it to the board proposal.



“Dad! Wake up!”Addison's voice pierces through my dream, accompanied by my bed shaking. In my groggy morning confusion, my first thought is that we are having an earthquake.

Except earthquakes are rare in New York.

I chase away my slumber and realize Addison's vigorous jumping on my bed is causing the earth to tremble.

How can a twelve-year-old be this silly?

“Addison!” I groan and roll over, trying to go back to sleep. But she pushes on my shoulder insistently. Addison is a morning person, something she did not inherit from me. She pokes me again, and suddenly, I grab and tickle her. She squeaks in surprise, then breaks into laughter.

“Dad, stop,” she squeals, “you're going to make me pee my pants.”

Oh, no! I wouldn’t want that!

I stop and let her snuggle into me.

“What's for breakfast today?” I ask, my arm draped over her. She hesitates for a moment, contemplating her options before settling on cereal.

“Okay, get dressed, and I'll fetch the bowls.”

The mornings are the best part of my day, always reserved for Addison and me. She trots into the kitchen and climbs onto the stool at the counter. I pour her a bowl of Cheerios with oat milk and sit beside her.